Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

XIX-B1, 2012 
ointCloud StereoModel 
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005) and Munoz, 
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Barinova, (2010), 
, and Shapovalov, 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B1, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Velizhev, & Barinova (2010) instead label them through 
capturing geometric classes in context by designing node 
features. However, these works do not incorporate semantics. 
Koppula, Anand, Joachims, & Saxena (2011) present a more 
semantic approach, whereby a graphical model that captures 
features and their contextual relationships is presented. WiDOP 
presents semantic rules to semantically annotate the objects 
(Ben Hmida, Cruz, Nicolle, & Boochs, 2011). These rules are 
executed through the extended SWRL, and use semantic 
annotation to match the detected geometries with their probable 
objects. The following example (equation 1) will detect all the 
vertical geometries and annotate them as Mast if they are higher 
than 6m. 
3DProcessing. swrlb:VerticalElementDetection( ?vtr, ?dir) ^ Height(?x, 
?ht) ^ swrlb:greaterThan(?ht, 6) -? Mast(?vrt) (1) 
The domain ontology schema now hosts the first impressions of 
the semantically annotated geometries. At this point the 
annotations are still rough, and can be one of three types: 
unambiguous, ambiguous or unknown. 
Unambiguous: Geometries annotated to a single object. 
Ambiguous: The same geometry can be qualified as two or 
more objects. 
Unknown: Geometries unclassifiable at this level of iteration. 
The first iteration is likely to have a large number of 
ambiguously annotated objects or even unknown objects. The 
second iteration is needed to improve the result, wherein the 
KB will now host more semantics. During the second iteration, 
ASM uses unique characteristics to remove the ambiguity. The 
mechanism under ASM investigates the rules which are unique 
to each object in such ambiguity. It then uses these unique rules 
to infer an algorithmic sequence for each of them. More precise 
geometries are thus detected during this iterative stage and are 
populated into the KB. The qualification through extended 
geometries then repeats (equation 2). 
BasicSignal( ?y) ^ BoundingBox 3D(?x) ^ hasHeight(?x, ?h)^ 
swrlb:greatThan(?h, 1) ^ swrlb:lessThan( ?h, 3) ^ 
3D swrib Topo:distance(?x, ?y, 100, 10) 2 SecondarySignal(?x) (2) 
The iteration continues until all the ambiguity is removed and 
objects are finally recognized and stable. In case of unknown or 
ambiguous annotations, new knowledge about the scene or the 
processing activities is fed into the KB. The first case (section 
2.1) resembles the unambiguous annotations. The first level of 
iteration is therefore unnecessary for this scenario. As objects 
and their positions are known, the platform executes the 
iteration from the second step and verifies. 
Figure 7 and 8 illustrate a typical site in the DB railroad system 
and its 3D scan. The complexity in detecting objects in the 
point cloud is not only due to the complex nature of the objects 
but also due to the scan nature. The area is scanned using a 
moving train; the objects are scanned only in one direction, 
presenting challenges through occlusions. 
Figure 7. A typical site of Deutsche Bahn system (source: 
Christophe Leimkühler, Metronom Software) 
Figure 8. The 3D scan data of the site 
It must be emphasized here that we do not use the algorithmic 
knowledge to estimate what objects should appear in the scene, 
but rather the opposite. The characteristics of objects in the 
scene evoke the appropriate algorithms for that object. In this 
sense, the objects in the class DomainConcept are in the center 
of the top level ontology schema (fig. 2). It hosts the semantics 
of the objects first through hierarchical taxonomy (fig. 4) and 
then through semantic rules for each specialized class under the 
hierarchy. If we examine carefully, DomainConcept is a bridge 
through which other knowledge domains can be explored. For 
instance, the geometric characteristics of an object under 
DomainConcept are related to the knowledge domain of 
Geomerty through the relationship defining it (fig. 2). This can 
also be extended to other knowledge domains, as we did with 
data through class Data. The top level ontology in figure 2 
provides a glimpse of such bridging and is not restricted to it. 
3.1. Illustration 
This section illustrates how underlying ASM within WiDOP 
infers rules to derive an algorithmic sequence. We basically will 
illustrate the principles discussed in section 2 through a case of 
Deutsche Bahn (DB) with the underlying ASM in focus. 
The property restriction rules play a major role in determining 
the best algorithm. ASM determines this through inferring the 
rules defined in DomainConcept (termed as DC in the DL 
equations) to that defined in the class Algorithms. The platform 
starts with the dominant rule of the scene. We presume the 
dominancy through the number of occurrences of the rules, 
with the higher the number, the more dominant the rule. An 
example of this could the scene of a lecture room where most of 
the objects have planar surfaces. In such cases the horizontal 
plane detection algorithm will be preferred as a starting 
This rule when inferred against specialized algorithms in class 
Algorithms yield that algorithm HeightApproximation 
(presented by HAA in the equation 4) is best suited for this case. 

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