Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

XXIX-B1, 2012 
ASM infers the rules 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B1, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
of the objects found in the scene along with the algorithms that 
could possibly be used to detect them. 
Table 1 presents the detection and qualification of objects in the 
scene through ISCM within the WiDOP platform. There were 
105 geometries detected and among them 34 were semantically 
annotated. 71 detected geometries are not annotated because the 
KB did not contain enough rules to classify them. Although 
currently the results are based on unsophisticated data and rule 
sets, we believe that those objects would be correctly annotated 
after further enrichment of the KB. Mismatches visible from 
Table 1 show the necessity of improvements by addition of 
modification of rules within the KB. However, results already 
show the general functioning of such a flexible approach. 
Objects Annotated | Reality 
Masts 13 12 
Signal 18 20 
SwitchGear | 3 5 
Table 1. The first set of results 
The result seen in table 1 through the knowledge driven method 
is satisfactory considering the complexity of the scene. Rule 
modifications would improve results, and further development 
in this regard is ongoing. 
The knowledge driven approach for selecting algorithms 
suitable to detect objects has been presented. Building on 
previous research, technologies within the Semantic Web have 
been advanced, and SWRL in particular has been extended in 
the qualification process. Keeping the essence of the knowledge 
based approach in processing, this solution uses a methodology 
that fuses knowledge from different knowledge domains for 
suitable algorithmic selection, which leads to a flexible 
processing chain for detecting objects. Furthermore, the 
integration of simulation knowledge, representing behavioral 
knowledge of algorithms in different situations and patterns, 
adds more flexibility. 
This paper presents work performed in the framework of a 
research project funded by the German ministry of research and 
education under contract No. 1758X09. We also acknowledge 
the contributions from Helmi Ben Hmida, Hung Quoc Truong, 
Christophe Cruz and Adlane Habed. 
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