Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

cluster point cloud 
:loped based on the 
tects roof ridges at 
egmentation of the 
dings using imagery 
raised for 3D roof 
data directly. In the 
dner and Forstner, 
ia and Price, 2002; 
, 2004) reconstruct 
mination of model 
;D roof point cloud 
0 reconstruct roof 
1any roof structures 
The most common 
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al plane segments. 
rehensive study on 
ing point cloud and 
ion. In their work, 
cloud according to 
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, finally, the planes 
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5 can be modeled 
ar faces. Although 
itries) reveal a hug 
into two types: flat 
from the initial step 
cloud and consists 
step, it is judged 
flat roof; (ii) in the 
first step, roof ridges are detected and segmented into line 
segments; (iii) the points are identified and segmented so that 
they are belonging to the plane patches which are intersected in 
a line segment of a roof ridge; (iv) in the fourth step, the rest 
points are clustered into several groups according to the 
geometric distances among them. For each group, the 
abovementioned process (from the initial step to the fourth step) 
is carried out. The process terminates when there are only few 
points or no point in the rest group. 
The key novelty of this contribution is that the roof ridge is 
detected at first and roof planes are extracted along their 
corresponding roof ridges. This kind of approach makes the 
search scale smaller while fitting the roof planes. At the same 
time, the proposed approach follows the principle of bisection 
method. In each iteration, the point cloud is divided into two 
groups by the plane contains the roof ridge and vertical to the 
ground plane. Whereby, point groups where fitting and 
segmenting takes place are getting smaller along the iteration. In 
a consequence, much computation cost is reduced. 
The abovementioned process is implemented and tested on the 
airborne laser scanning data provided by the ISPRS test project 
on urban classification and 3D building reconstruction. Some 
experimental results are shown in this work. 
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. In the second 
section, the study area and data used in the experiments are 
described. Then the methodologies are explained in the third 
section. Section 4 presents and discusses some experimental 
results and gives some future works. 
The presented work is supposed to participate in the ISPRS test 
project on urban classification and 3D building reconstruction. 
In order to test the proposed algorithms, Airborne Laserscanner 
(ALS) data in the area À of Vaihingen test data is selected, 
since the roof structures in this area are more complicated in 
comparison with those in other test areas. 
According to the organization of the test project 
(http://www.itc.nl/ISPRS WGIII4/tests datasets.html), the 
Vaihingen test data set consists of 10 ALS strips acquired on 21 
August 2008 by Leica Geosystems using a Leica ALS50 system 
with 45° field of view and a mean flying height above ground of 
500°m. The average strip overlap is 30%, and the median point 
density is 6.7 points per square meter. The entire DGPF data set 
4 points per square meter. The original point clouds were post- 
processed by strip adjustment to correct for systematic errors in 
The points cloud represent all objects including buildings, 
vegetation, water bodies, and other city facilities in Vaihingen. 
At first, classification is conducted for these points by using 
MicroStation. Then buildings are extracted and separated, 
whereby buildings close to each other are treated as a big 
building. The proposed algorithm starts from the point cloud of 
an individual building. 
3.1 Detection and segmentation of roof ridges 
In the building construction, a roof ridge is defined as the line 
intersection at the top between the opposite slopes or sides of a 
roof. Although non-flat building roofs (especially in European 
countries) reveal a hug variety in structure, they could be one 
type of the six primitive roofs (Figure 1), or might be a 
combination of these primitives. Therefore, the roof ridge is one 
line segment in case that a roof is a gabled, hipped, shed or 
saltbox roof, while there are two intersected line segments in 
case of a cross gabled or cross hipped roof. For a more 
complicated roof structure, there will be three or even more line 
segments which are intersected with a main ridge or in an “end 
to end" form. 
Gabled roof Cross gabled roof 
Hipped roof Cross hipped roof 
Gr br 
Saitbox roof Shed roof 
Figure 1. six types of non-flat roofs 
Inputting the unorganized laser scanning point cloud of a roof, 
the process of detection and segmentation of roof ridges starts 
from the step of extracting all the points that are located on the 
roof ridges. In the proposed approach, the point cloud is 
clustered into many (or w ) layers. In the ideal case, the points in 
the highest layer represent then the roof ridge(s). But in some 
cases the highest layer contains also points on the top of a 
chimney, and points of error measurements. These points are 
normally located with a distance to the roof ridge, while a point 
on the roof ridge has shorter distance to its nearest 
neighborhood. Therefore, they can be removed easily. 
After the noise points are removed from the highest layer, all 
the remaining points are then belonging to the roof ridge. They 
will be projected on the XY-plane. Then they are segmented 
into several line segments using the line-growth method as 
(a) All the points are sorted according to their x-value. The first 
. . B 0 . 
point is taken as ‘! and a point P is found so that 
port] zd, whereby d, is chosen as the shortest length of the 
roof ridge in the test area. 
p p? 
(b) A line through '! and “2 is then calculated. During the 
calculation, it is judged whether the line is parallel to x or y-axis. 
(c) The points are selected, when they are located on the line or 
very close to the line. The rest are treated as a group. 

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