Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

| XXXIX-B3, 2012 
| LiDAR point cloud. 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
established 3D neighbourhood relative to the point in question 
(POI) (Figure 3). 
Figure 3: Dispersion of the points within the established 3D 
neighbourhood relative to the point in question 
In this case, the dispersion matrix (C,) is derived as follows: 
Feu a 2° 4e 
C, ED ai I UE 
where %=[X, Y ZT 
, and hor = [x ror Yeor Zl 
Based on eigen-value analysis of C,, the established 3D 
neighbourhood is deemed planar if and only if the point in 
question belongs to the local plane through this neighbourhood. 
Once the planarity of established neighbourhood is checked, the 
local point density index is estimated in the same way as the 
approximate method. 
Despite considering if the point question belongs to planar 
neighbourhood or not, this approach is still subjected to the 
inclusion of non-coplanar points within established 3D 
neighbourhood for local point density estimation. 
2.3 Adaptive Cylinder Method 
The adaptive cylinder approach is proposed to overcome the 
drawback of the previous method - inclusion of non-coplanar 
points within planar neighbourhood - for local point density 
estimation. In this method the planarity of the established 
spherical neighbourhoods is investigated by defining a cylinder 
whose axis orientation is adaptively changing to be aligned 
along the normal to the plane through the majority of the points 
in the defined neighbourhood (Figure 4). This axis is derived 
using an iterative plane fitting procedure where the points are 
assigned weights that are inversely proportional to their normal 
distances from the derived plane in the previous iteration.The 
cylinder diameter is equivalent to the distance between the point 
in question and its n"-nearest neighbouring point within the 
defined neighbourhood. The height of the defined cylinder is 
determined based on the expected noise level in the point cloud. 
Figure 4: Adaptive cylinder neighbourhood 
In this approach, the local point density index is estimated only 
when the majority of the points within the established spherical 
neighbourhood, together with the point in question, are 
included in the defined cylinder. The local point density index 
is then computed as follows: 
LPD = Eo in which k<n (4) 
Where k is the number of the points within the defined cylinder 
and r, is the distance between the point in question and its m- 
nearest neighbouring point in the spherical neighbourhood. This 
method estimates the local point density only by utilizing the 
points inside the adaptive cylinder. This resolves the drawback 
of the eigen-value analysis methods by removing the points 
which do not belong to the planar neighbourhood. The only 
shortcoming of this method is assuming a uniform point 
distribution within the adaptive cylinder. 
As mentioned earlier, the consideration of local point density 
indices will improve the LiDAR data processing results to a 
great extent. In this section, some of the processing activities 
which are highly affected by local point density variations are 
highlighted and the impact of incorporating estimated local 
density values in these activities are discussed. 
3.1 Neighbourhood Definition 
Neighbourhood definition is the primary step of LiDAR data 
processing. This definition is a rule that determines the 
neighbours of each point, and as a result has a great impact on 
the reliability of different processing activities’ results. 
Different neighbourhood definitions are presently being used 
for LiDAR data. However, none of them consider the local 
variations in the LiDAR point density. This inconsideration 
leads to the exclusion of required neighbouring points and 
inclusion of the points that should not be considered for the 
derivation of processing parameters (e.g, segmentation 
attributes). In order to define meaningful neighbourhoods for . 
individual LiDAR points, while considering the characteristics 
of their associated surfaces, the computed local point density 
indices should be considered. In this case, when the local point 
density is low, the size of the defined neighbourhood will be 
increased to include the needed number of points for the 
derivation of processing parameters. 
3.2 Region Growing 
Region growing is recognized as one of the spatial-domain 
LiDAR data segmentation approaches. In this approach, the 
neighbouring LiDAR points that fulfil a homogeneity criterion 
(e.g., planarity or smoothness of the surface) will be segmented 
in one group (Besl and Jain, 1988). The conventional criterion 
for the determination of neighbouring points, in this process, is 
a fixed 3D distance. However, when the local point density is 
not uniform within a LiDAR dataset, considering a fixed 
neighbourhood radius may result in inaccurate segmentation 
results. In order to define adaptive neighbourhoods of the seed 
points for region growing, the local point density index in the 
seed point location should be incorporated in the definition of 
the neighbourhood radius. 
3.3 Derivation of Attributes for  Parameter-Domain 
Segmentation Approaches 
The performance of the parameter-domain segmentation methods 
depends on the computed attributes for individual laser points. In 
most of these approaches, the segmentation attributes are derived 
based on the parameters of the fitted plane through the 
neighbouring points within the defined neighbourhood for each 
point. The quality of plane fitting process is ensured by providing 
the needed number of points for the plane definition. Therefore, the 
size of established neighbourhood should be made flexible with 

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