Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

(XIX-B3, 2012 
ng to filtering larger 
n the local area the 
djusting to smaller 
ut the parking lot, 
of road that: 
ith low intensity in 
n not parallel and 
get the rough road 
areas with a low 
itensity connection 
; the geometrical 
il characteristics we 
ng is used to extend 
caused by uneven 
t local hierarchical 
nd get rough road 
ased on the road 
d according to the 
kpoints caused by 
ure Filtering 
‘or this purpose we 
(ASA) (4) 
is the intensity of 
the layer , AS is 
the layer. Figure 4 
and reduce the 
local scope. In the 
oy step, and judge 
ion. When these 
n threshold, judge 
tively for deciding 
1 next local small 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Figure 4. Comparison of different intensity 
For these areas with the shape are similar circle or square, we 
adopt the ratio of the circumference and area as judgment 
standard. For square, @ and D are defined as side, 
represents area and W represents circumference. 
S ab 
Do (5) 
W 2(a+b) 
Because the road is strip shape, so we suppose a > b and 
define M= b/ a 
ma ma mS (6) 
2a(l+m) 201m). 204m) 
So the area and perimeter of the road meet the following 
Vins fut) (7) 
—— i 
W 20m) 
From the equation we can see, in case of certain area, the 
smaller of m the greater of circumference. 
This method can rule out circular area and rectangular area 
efficiently, but not good at other strange shape. So a Fourier 
descriptor is inducted to eliminate none-road areas. 
Fourier descriptor is Fourier transform coefficient of object 
boundary curves. It is the frequency domain analysis results 
of object boundary curves signal. According to the properties 
of the Fourier transformation, Fourier descriptor relates to 
scale, direction of shape and curves starting points. Therefore 
it's necessary to normalize Fourier descriptor. Through 
translation, rotation and scale invariance, normalization 
Fourier descriptor can identify the shape of an object. In order 
to extract road accuracy, this paper employs simple training 
sets for Fourier descriptor. 
Through the above constraints, the vast majority of the non- 
road region has been eliminated as shown in figure 5. Regions 
eliminated in the process are stored in addition which will be 
used in the following process. 
Figure 5. The main road frame 
3.2 Region Growing 
Most of the none-road area through the above steps has been 
excluded. This paper will put these not excluded points as 
seed, control and grow through some threshold .The road 
regional growth is also in the local, as data quantity is big, 
growing in the entire region will produce very high space 
complexity and time complexity. In order to be able to 
produce more accurate road, the paper will set the value very 
small, here set it 4 (in this paper the range of return intensity 
is 0-255), the main consideration is a lot of points meet the 
conditions produced in the last step .As the threshold set is 
smaller, after growing will also have some breakpoints 
(mainly due to uneven distribution intensity of the road).This 
paper will take judgment methods of number of connection 
areas to make up breakpoint. The area removed in the 
previous step was preserved in another place, and put the area 
back to the road. If you join a "piece", the number of 
connection areas decrease, join the piece to road, or deleted it. 
The finally result is shown in the figure 6. 
a. RYT 
| P E p 
Figure 6. Road extraction result 
In this study, hierarchical extraction algorithm for DTM 
generation is proved particularly suitable for the flat regions. 
For the fluctuant ground, we can increase the number of 
layers to achieve good results. Proposed hierarchical method 
of DTM extraction shows high accuracy and low complexity 
in the experiments. Local morphological filtering for road 
extraction can filtered out these areas which intensity values is 
close to the road, for example, the squares, parking lots and so 
on. Proposed methods are demonstrated of taking full 
advantage of low complexity, stability and widely 
However, there are some issues that need further study: 
1. In this article the geometry judgment effect is not very 
ideal, needs further study. 

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