Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

4.1. Data 
The dataset we have used to test the algorithms is the lidar point 
cloud of Bloomington, IN, U.S.A, obtained from the Indiana 
Spatial Data Portal. It is provided by Monroe County from 
topographic survey flights by MJ Harden on April 11-12, 2010 
with an Optech Gemini system. The maximum planned post 
spacing on the ground is 1.4 m for unobscured areas. Reported 
vertical accuracy based on the accuracy assessment carried out 
is 0.347 ft/10.58 cm. The point cloud is provided in LAS 1.2 
format. The point coordinates are in NAD 1983 HARN 
horizontal datum and NAVD 88 vertical datum projected on the 
Indiana West State Plane Coordinate System. The average point 
density that we have calculated from the subset of the data is 
1.4 pts/m?. Figure 3 shows the study area. 
Figure 3. Orthophoto (left) and height colored lidar point cloud 
(right) of the study area. 
4.2. Point features 
There are numerous feature definitions in the literature that are 
proposed to represent various local properties of points. Similar 
to surface variation, several other features are defined as a 
function of the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of the 
point neighborhood. From these, we select to use the structure 
tensor planarity (S.T.P) and structure tensor anisotropy (S.T.A) 
features (West et. al., 2004) to identify "surface" and "scatter" 
points. They are defined as 
ST... Afix T4 (1 74/1 (5) 
where 13 < 42 € A. 
4.3. Graph construction 
Adapting Boykov et. al's (2001) min-cut optimization 
algorithm, we establish our graph model as follows. Each point 
in the point cloud is considered as a node in the graph. The 
edges between the nodes are defined such that each node is 
connected to its 3-D voronoi neighbors with an edge. We use an 
edge length threshold calculated as the Euclidean 3-D distance 
between the two points of the edge in order to avoid very long 
edges and reduce the number of unnecessary edges on the 
graph. All points are also connected to the nodes representing 
labels. For each point, costs for assigning each label to that 
point are calculated and set as the weights for the edges that 
connect the points to the label nodes. These weights correspond 
to the data cost term of the energy function and will be summed 
at each candidate labeling configuration. The edges that 
connect points with each other are also assigned weights 
representing the smoothness term of the energy function. We 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
use two different data cost functions for two labeling tasks. The 
first one is for the labeling of points based on their proximity to 
the clusters in the feature space. It is calculated for point p as 
Dp, = Ili = Xp (6) 
where y is the label mean and x, is the feature vector. 
In order to calculate the data costs this way, one needs to know 
how the data are distributed in the feature space. In a similar 
way to Dai and Zhang’s (2006) clustering approach for image 
segmentation, we perform watershed segmentation in the 
feature domain to empirically determine how the data are 
clustered. For a feature vector with N dimensions, we generate 
a grid space in the feature domain and calculate a histogram 
with the counts of data points falling within each bin. Then we 
perform watershed segmentation on the complement of the 
histogram to obtain the clusters in the feature space. We take 
the clusters obtained by the watershed segmentation and 
calculate label means from these clusters. Due to the nature of 
the watershed segmentation, data points that fall on the 
boundaries of the watersheds are left unlabeled. These data 
points are not considered while calculating the label means. 
Once the label means are determined, the data costs are 
calculated and the points in the point cloud are optimally 
assigned labels with the graph cut optimization algorithm. 
The second cost function is used for labeling points with 
respect to their likelihood of being from a given distribution. 
After segmenting the points, we use the histograms of the 
feature values of the segments representative of their classes 
(i.e. “scatter” and “surface”) to calculate the data costs of 
assigning a point to each label as negative log likelihoods. Our 
feature vector consists of S.T.P. and S.T.A point features for 
this purpose. Data costs are calculated as 
D = —In Pr( |scatter) (7) 
= —InPr(x,|surface) (8) 
Smoothness energy is calculated as 
_lxp-xal, 1 
vi; (6.5) = e za d(p,a) 
where d(p, q) is the Euclidean distance between point p and q 
in the spatial domain. 
Smoothness cost is to be interpreted as a penalty for 
discontinuity between two neighboring sites. If the labeling of 
two neighbors is different (discontinuity), this type of 
smoothness cost assigns a large penalty/cost to the edge if the 
features of two nodes are close to each other (determined by the 
parameter c). This means that labeling of these two nodes will 
tend to be the same since it will cost more to label these nodes 
differently which will increase the total energy. On the other 
hand, if the two nodes are far from each other in the feature 
space, then the smoothness function will assign a small penalty 
to this edge allowing the two nodes to be labeled different than 
each other since such labeling will contribute to a lower energy. 
Once we construct the graph with all data and smoothness 
costs, we use the software library implementation provided by 
Veksler and Delong (http://vision.csd.uwo.ca/code/) based on 
the al 
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