Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

-B3, 2012 
60 70 80 90 100 
ame image (row 
orm (row four). 
(D CT, P», 
ottom row). 
h their optimal 
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t image of the 
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h SNR = 12 dB 
'e degenerated 
Alf the image 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
— P2i; Cones 
— P2l; Cones 4 
= = = P2l; AWGN 
=~ = = P2i; AWGN |] 
Penalty Costs 
0 20 40 60 80 100 
Figure 6: Optimal penalty functions (75; and P»;) for the Cones 
image (solid lines) and in the presence of AWGN (dotted lines). 
The degenerated images are shown in Fig. 8 top row. The eval- 
uation methodology remains as with the first experiments. This 
experiment is aimed at answering the following questions: Are 
the penalty functions robust towards a variety of different im- 
age interferences and which performs best? How robust is the 
parametrization across these interferences? Is the choice of penalty 
function and parametrization the same as for the non-degenerated 
images? The errors curves for the four types of simulated de- 
generation are shown in Fig. 7. Fixed penalty functions degrade 
quickly for census and rank, as the constant values are now trained 
to the type and amount of noise in the image. Adaptive functions 
are able to cope with the noise and radiometric changes. As with 
non-degenerated images, P»; and P»; perform best and in many 
cases similar. For rank, P»; outperforms 7^», except for salt-and- 
pepper noise. For census, the two functions perform equally ex- 
cept for salt-and-pepper noise where the P^; significantly outper- 
forms the linear function. The variance based approach is always 
outperformed by the other adaptive approaches. For qualitative 
evaluation the resulting disparity maps are shown in Fig. 8. 
Comparing configurations across the different types of degener- 
ation shows that good configurations coincide (data not shown). 
As before, good configurations from one image to the next can 
often be found within a 0.5 percentage points error margin. How- 
ever, comparing good configurations to configurations from the 
non degenerated images shows that now higher dynamic range 
and higher penalties are chosen. For example, the best param- 
eter set from the original Cones image for P»; is (P, — 11, 
Po min = 17, 7 = 35,0 0.5) resulting in 5.23 95 erroneous 
disparities. For the AWGN case it is {P, = 20, Pa min = 24, 
y = T0, œ = 0.5} and for the salt-and-pepper case (P1 = 14, 
P2,min = 24, y = 40,a = 0.5} resulting on the original image 
in 6.27 % and 5.37 %, respectively. For comparison, the opti- 
mal penalty functions for the AWGN case have been included 
in Fig. 6. Consequently, proper selection and parametrization of 
penalty functions can make disparity estimation robust to high 
levels of interferences with only minimal performance decrease 
in ideal cases. However, it also shows that for high-end applica- 
tions targeting highest quality disparity maps sophisticated image 
preprocessing is required. 
3.3 Real World Images 
For real world image data the lack of ground truth makes it ex- 
tremely difficult to setup automated parametrization. However, 
optical inspection using real world data from (Ess et al., 2007) 
was performed with the parametrizations obtained from the non- 
degenerated and degenerated images. Special attention has been 
paid to planar, little textured areas, edges, and small structures 
(e. g. lamp posts). Generally, better results were obtained when 
using the configurations from the degenerated images. This is in 
accordance with the argumentation from above. 
f | Cones Teddy Venus Tsukuba 
Census Transform 
Pe. 15383% 104094 253% 8.35 % 
PB, (523% 9.03% 1.92 % 7.45 % 
Pi | 543% 930% 2.06% 7:55.95 
P. 532395 10.79% 255% 8.54 % 
Rank Transform 
Pe | 746% 1244% 4.20% 9.32 % 
17299. 11179» 3.15% 8.58 96 
Pi 737% 11.76% 4137 9.06 % 
Pov 749% 1257% 416% 9.41 % 
Table 1: Errors in non-occluded areas with a threshold of 1 dis- 
parity obtained with optimally parametrized penalty functions. 
f | Baseline AWGN Salt Shadow Gamma 
Census Transform 
P 538% 26.35% 7.63 96 786% 5.41 % 
P 523% 18.01 95 8.277 96 727% 527% 
P5 543% 18.94 % 7.40 % 7.26%. 530% 
P. 528% 30.70 % 8.40 % 816% 545% 
Rank Transform 
P 746% 40.64% 10.9970 10.2790 7.60% 
P 729% 32.6176 11.74% 727% 7.41% 
P; 749% 4061% 11.11% 994% 7.47 % 
Py 737% 45.84% 119% 1054% 7.61% 
Table 2: Errors in non-occluded areas with a threshold of 1 dis- 
parity obtained with optimally parametrized penalty functions on 
the cones image under various types of degeneration. 
In conclusion, the choice of penalty function and its parametriza- 
tion has significant influence on the performance of SGM, es- 
pecially under difficult imaging conditions (e. g. noise, expo- 
sure differences). While for highly structured images taken un- 
der near ideal conditions constant penalty functions (P5) per- 
form well, they tend to become overfitted to the particular imag- 
ing conditions and performance is not stable over different con- 
ditions. Among the adaptive functions, the linear (P»;) and in- 
versely proportional (P,;) functions significantly outperform the 
variance based approach. They are also robust to interferences 
in the images making adaptive penalty terms mandatory for ro- 
bust disparity estimation. Even then, the quality of the dispar- 
ity map significantly depends on a suitable penalty function for 
SGM. Using inversely proportional penalty functions, as origi- 
nally proposed with SGM, does not result in any performance 
improvement compared to linear dependencies, which is of inter- 
est for computationally limited implementations. Nevertheless, 
thorough parametrization according to the employed matching 
cost function is essential. Since parametrization using difficult 
images results in more robust parameter sets real world systems 
should parametrized under these conditions. For all penalty func- 
tions, employing census transform instead of rank transform ex- 
hibits better disparity maps with less edge blurring because cen- 
sus transform retains spatial information. Future work includes 
testing the penalty functions for other types of matching cost 
functions, e. g. mutual information. 
This work has been supported in part by the Hans.-L.-Merkle 
Stiftung (Stifterverband fiir die deutsche Wissenschaft). 

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