Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

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the algorithms in Boykov et. al. (2001), Kolmogorov and Zabih 
(2004), and Boykov and Kolmogorov (2004) to perform the 
graph cut optimization. 
We run the algorithm first for determining the “scatter” and 
“surface” points as described in the previous section. We set the 
smoothness cost parameter as o — 0.8. We also apply weights 
to the data cost and smoothness cost terms to control the 
relative importance of conformance with the data and spatial 
coherence. We set Egan (f) = 1 and Eprior(f) = 2. Figure 4 
shows part of the study area with points labeled as "scatter" or 
Figure 4. Points color labeled as “scatter” (green) or “surface” 
(black) points. 
Two issues may be observed regarding the effectiveness of the 
method. The first issue is due to small groups of points which 
appear to be not from a surface but being labeled as a surface 
point. This is mostly due to the size of the object not being 
large enough for identification. Second issue is related to the 
points that are on the ground being labeled as scatter points. 
This case mostly happens when those points are the lower parts 
of areas where there are scattered points. 
After labeling points as surface and scatter, we establish a 
second feature vector and graph in order to segment the surface 
points. The first three elements of the feature vector are the 
components of the unit surface normal vector which is the 
eigenvector corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue of the 
covariance matrix. The last element is the surface normal 
variation within the point neighborhood which is the variance 
of the angle 0 between the normal vector and the vertical. 
8 — arccos(n - [0 1 0]) (10) 
We set the number of bins to calculate the histogram for the 
watershed segmentation as 20 for each dimension of the feature 
vector. This parameter is of importance since it determines the 
initial clusters in the feature space. An over-segmentation is 
optimized by the graph cut algorithm. However, the algorithm 
doesn't have the flexibility to compensate for under- 
segmentation as it is the case in a split and merge type of 
algorithm. We set the smoothness cost parameter as 0 = 0.6, 
and the weights determining the relative importance of the 
smoothness and data costs as Eqata(f) = 4 and Eprior(f) = 1. 
Figure 5 shows segmented surface points in part of the study 
In this study, we have established a methodology based on the 
graph representation of point labeling problem. We have 
formulated two major labeling tasks defined as an optimization 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
problem on graphs and employed an efficient graph cut 
algorithm resulting with the determination of the structure of 3- 
D lidar point cloud. First, we have identified the local 
neighborhood for each point and using the cues acquired from 
point neighborhood we were able to identify them as “surface” 
or "scatter" points. After obtaining the “surface” points, we 
have labeled them using a different set of features resulting in a 
segmentation of the surface points. Performing either of these 
two tasks within this framework requires prior knowledge on 
the structure of the feature space. Determining the distribution 
of the feature space for the classification problem requires some 
effort of collecting representative samples on the user side. 
However, one should note that the distribution of the features 
for surface and scatter points may be predicted as well. 
We believe that this framework may provide better results in 
case the terms related to the shapes of objects like, corners, 
ridges, boundaries, etc. are also included in the energy function. 
We plan to include energy terms representing shapes and higher 
levels of relationships between the points within this framework 
in the future. 
Figure 5. Color-coded point segments in part of the study area 
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