Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

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Jin-hu Wang *^ *, Chuan-rong Li, Ling-li Tang*, Mei Zhou", Jing-mei Li * 
* Academy of Opto-Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dengzhuang South Road, Beijing 
5 The Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yuquan Road, Beijing. glancefox@gmail.com 
Commission III, WG III /2 
KEY WORDS: full-waveform LiDAR; Decomposition, Unsupervised classification, point cloud, space transform, EM algorithm 
In this paper, two different point cloud classification approaches were applied based on the full-waveform LiDAR data. At the 
beginning, based on the full-waveform LiDAR data, we decomposed the backscattered pulse waveform and abstracted each 
component in the waveform after the pre-processing of noise detection and waveform smoothing. And by the time flag of each 
component acquired in the decomposition procedure we calculated the three dimension coordination of the component. Then the 
components’ waveform properties, including amplitude, width and cross-section, were uniformed respectively and formed the 
Amplitude/Width/Section space. Then two different approaches were applied to classify the points. First, we selected certain targets 
and trained the parameters, after that, by the supervised classification way we segmented the study area point. On the other hand, we 
apply the IHSL colour transform to the above space to find a new space, RGB colour space, which has a uniform distinguishability 
among the parameters and contains the whole information of each component in Amplitude/Width/Section space. Then the fuzzy C- 
means algorithm is applied to the derived RGB space to complete the LiDAR point classification procedure. By comparing the two 
different segmentation results, which may of substantial importance for further targets detection and identification, a brief discussion 
and conclusion were brought out for further research and study. 
Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) is an active remote 
sensing technique providing direct range measurements between 
laser scanner and objects, has witnessed an alternative source 
for acquisition of ranging data in last decade. Range is 
determined directly from the signal runtime measurements. And 
airborne LiDAR deliver fast and reliable representation of 
landscape by Georeferencing. Depending on the geometry of 
illuminated surfaces, several backscattered echoes can be 
recorded for a single pulse emission. This showed the potential 
of multi-echo LiDAR data for urban area analysis and building 
extraction (Frueh et al., 2005). While many others study the 
LiDAR backscattered pulse intensity (Charaniya et al., 2004) 
and combine LiDAR and multispectral data(Secord et al., 2006) 
for classification. Since 2004, new commercial ALS systems 
called full-waveform (FW) LiDAR have emerged with the 
ability to record the complete waveform of the backscattered 
1D-signal. Each echo in this signal corresponds to an 
encountered object. Thus, in addition to range measurements, 
further physical properties of objects included in the diffraction 
cone may be revealed by analysing the shape of backscattered 
waveforms. A detailed state-of-the-art on full-waveform 
topographic LiDAR can be found in Mallet et al., 2009. In 
urban scenes, the potential of such data has been barely 
investigated, in addition to the geometry to detect vegetation 
areas (Gross et al., 2007; Wagner et al., 2008). 
In this paper, two different point cloud classification 
approaches were applied based on the full-waveform LiDAR 
data. Firstly, the backscattered full-waveform LiDAR pulse 
waveform was decomposed and all components in the 
waveform were abstracted. Further, by the time flag of each 
component acquired in the decomposition procedure, three 
dimension coordinates of the components were calculated. Also, 
* Corresponding author. 
the components’ waveform properties, including amplitude, 
width and cross-section, were uniformed respectively to form 
the Amplitude/Width/Section space. After that two different 
approaches were applied to classify the points. On one hand, 
region of interest were selected and samples were trained to 
perform supervised classification. On the other hand, IHSL 
colour transform was introduced to transform the above space to 
find a new RGB colour space. Afterwards, the fuzzy C-means 
algorithm was applied to complete the LiDAR point 
classification procedure. By comparing the two different 
segmentation results, which may of substantial importance for 
further targets detection and identification, a brief discussion 
and conclusion were brought out for further research and study. 
In order to come to an analytical waveform properties 
solution, assuming that the scattering properties of a cluster of 
scatters can be described by Generalized Gaussian Function. 
ft) - Sex - LE v 
where $ is amplitude and O the standard deviation of the 
cluster. The cluster position is specified by 4/ while QX denote 
the shape of the component waveform. The targets 
backscattered pulse waveform is the superposition of echoes 
from scatters at different ranges. To abstract every components’ 
parameters contained in backscattered waveform, the 
Expectation Maximum algorithm is applied to accomplish the 
decomposition process. The EM algorithm was presented by 
Dempster. Laind and Rubin in 1977 to estimate the parameters

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