Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

from incomplete dataset (EM). As for the backscattered 
waveform decomposition, the procedure is as follow: 
a): model parameters 
initiation: UN eo po E zm] ek, . Where 
k denote the components number in the backscattered 
waveform, and a ); 
waveform, u gu. a; 
is the weight of components in the 
(0 is specified as the parameters in 
model function respectively. 
Then likelihood function is computed according to the 
initiated EORR by 
Le = „Los ooo, Lf. qua) 
i=l (2) 
b): E-step: 
pal gu atm 
i. cab | 4 
Ya” 00, Lea) 
nm (m) + 
MA m 
c): Mestep: 
git J jl ; k 
uen (m) =]. 
ume dA Yo =Lk 
Th (6) 
gu = po) 53 4 y, — 2 Ny, -umy Vi id Te ek 
d): convergence check: 
Based on the estimated parameters in previous steps, 
the final likelihood function is computed as the waveform 
decomposition accomplishing criteria. 
IU + Sloat, um m gm 
The iteration. ends once meet [zu fos or the 
predefined criteria. 
3.1  A/W/C-S Space 
In this paper, the components in backscattered waveform 
were modelled as generalized Gaussian function, and we take 
the curve fitting approach accomplished the decomposition 
procedure. And the corresponding results are four parameters, 
and here we just take amplitude, width and cross-section to 
form this space. We calibrated the scanner by using standard 
reflectance targets before flight and measured albedo of roads 
and roofs in the experiments region. The definitions of the three 
parameters are as follows respectively (Plataniotis et al; 
Wolfgang et al., 2006). 
Amplitude: p, . D, 5 9) 
4xR} ß} Sas 
Where p;is the amplitude of cluster 7 , D, is the receive 
aperture, Ris the distance from scanner to cluster; , 5 is 
the transmitter beam width, Sis emitted pulse amplitude, 
S. is the emitted pulse standard deviation, § »i is the 
standard deviation of the echo P component i : 
Width: W =2xs, 24s 5? (0) 
Where 5; denotes the standard deviation of emitted pulse. 
Cross Section: og = CR Ps. (11) 
Where © — AnB; is the calibration constant. 
cal — 9 
Ha Ss, 
Although the A/W/C parameter space could present a 
general distinguishability among different objectives and targets, 
there exists high correlation between the parameters. To a 
certain component, its Amplitude and Cross section are positive 
correlation, and has a related coefficient of 0.4-0.6 according to 
experiments, while the Width and Amplitude/Cross section 
have negative correlation, has an average related coefficient of - 
0.3. Thus, in order to make good use of the components 
parameters for point cloud classification, the A/W/C space is 
mapped to IHSL space to obtain a uniform distinguishability 
among all components and class. 
3.2 Mapping to IHSL . 
Because of the parameters in A/W/C-S space have non- 
uniform distinguishability, this highly restrains the classification 
performance. In this part, the IHSL transformation is performed 
to map the original space parameters to HSV space. The 
relationships of the parameters are described as follows: 
A- I, 
H sp 
S zc 
Then, inverse transformation is applied to the space and 
obtained the final space parameters for the classification. 
V3 £13) 
" 2sin(120" — H) 
H « H,-kx60? (14) 
R L, 
G |- R|c, (15) 
B C 
where: (18 C cos H, 
The fuzzy C-means algorithm was first brought out in 
(Bezdek,1981), and received extensive attention in colour 
image segmentation based on pixel(Castleman et al., 1996). The 
fuzzy C-means algorithm based on the minimization of C-means 
function, defined as 
CN . 
J,(U,V)= SIS YD (16), where 44, is the fuzzy 
i=l kzl 
membership value of pixel k in cluster centre? , D,isa squared 
inner-product distance norm given by 
Dy zx, -w (17), where X, (k 21,2,..., N) is the given 
set of input data, v, (7 — 1,..., C) is the set of C cluster centres. 
The minimization of (11) can be solved by using the iteration 
through t 
The stati 
Setting th 
0, when ; 
Hy = 
Thus, we 
41 Su 
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of 1.2poi 
houses, 1 
training c 
The cla: 
Shows tl 
objects c 

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