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Alexander Wiechert, Michael Gruber, Konrad Karner
Vexcel Imaging Austria / Microsoft Photogrammetry
Anzengrubergasse 8/4, 8010 Graz / Austria
falwieche, michgrub, kkarner] tü
III/2: 3D Point Cloud Processing
KEY WORDS: Photogrammetry, Digital, Camera, Large Format, Mapping, Dense Matching
This paper describes in detail the dense matcher developed since years by Vexcel Imaging in Graz for Microsoft's Bing Maps
project. This dense matcher was exclusively developed for and used by Microsoft for the production of the 3D city models of
Virtual Earth. It will now be made available to the public with the UltraMap software release mid-2012. That represents a
revolutionary step in digital photogrammetry. The dense matcher generates digital surface models (DSM) and digital terrain
models (DTM) automatically out of a set of overlapping UltraCam images. The models have an outstanding point density of
several hundred points per square meter and sub-pixel accuracy and are generated automatically. The dense matcher consists of
two steps. The first step rectifies overlapping image areas to speed up the dense image matching process. This rectification step
ensures a very efficient processing and detects occluded areas by applying a back-matching step. In this dense image matching
process a cost function consisting of a matching score as well as a smoothness term is minimized. In the second step the resulting
range image patches are fused into a DSM by optimizing a global cost function. The whole process is optimized for multi-core
CPUs and optionally uses GPUs if available. UltraMap 3.0 features also an additional step which is presented in this paper, a
complete automated true-ortho and ortho workflow. For this, the UltraCam images are combined with the DSM or DTM in an
automated rectification step and that results in high quality true-ortho or ortho images as a result of a highly automated workflow.
The paper presents the new workflow and first results.
1. Introduction adjustment functionality into the existing image processing
Digital aerial cameras require specific software to process
the raw images collected by the camera. Since its
introduction in 2003, UltraCam has been shipped with a
software package called OPC to perform the UltraCam
specific image processing. A revolutionary step has been
undertaken with the announcement of UltraMap Versionl.0
in 2010, introducing new software for the image processing
for the UltraCam camera series.
2003/2004 2010 2011 2012
Figure 1. OPC/UltraMap Software Roadmap.
UltraMap supports all UltraCam cameras and extends the
workflow into a full photogrammetric workflow by a
seamless integration of aero triangulation and bundle
UltraMap is designed to handle all kind of projects ranging
from projects with a few hundred images up to projects
with ten thousands of images and it is optimized for
UltraCam images. For this, it implements a new,
revolutionary technology and concept of image handling, a
direct spin off from the latest available Microsoft
technology. Outstanding features such as automated
distributed processing, automated tie point matching,
monolithic stitching and project based color balancing have
been implemented since its release. The figure below
shows the basic modules and the basic workflow of the
current UltraMap software.