International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Ronghua Yang ^^*, Xianghong Hua”, Junning Liu*, Hao Wu*
? School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University, No.174, Shazheng Street, Chongqing City, P.R.China -
? School of Geodesy & Geomatics, Wuhan University, No.129, Luoyu Road, Wuhan City, Hubei Prov, P.R.China -,
* School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, No.129, Luoshi Road,
Wuhan City, Hubei Prov, P.R.China -
Commission III, WG III/2
KEY WORDS: Terrestrial Laser Scanning, Angular Resolution, AMTF Model, EIFOV Model, Beamwidth, Sampling Interval
Terrestrial laser scanning technology has been applied more and more widely in the field of Surveying and mapping. Although
requirements of the accuracy for different laser scanner survey may differ considerably, spatial resolution is an important aspect,
which can be divided into range and angular components. The latter is a focus of this paper and is governed primarily by scanning
interval, laser beam width and angle quantisation. An ultimate goal of this research is to derive the relationship and simplified
formula between scanning interval and the angular quantisation when the EIFOV(Effective Instantaneous Field of View) is equal to
the scanning interval; the relationship and simplified formula of scanning interval and the angular quantisation when the EIFOV is
equal to the laser beam width, and the relationship and simplified formula of the theoretical minimum EIFOV and the angular
quantisation. Firstly, this paper introduces the EIFOV model and the AMTF(Average Modulation Transfer Function) model.
Secondly, the dimensionless AMTF and EIFOV generic model are proposed. Thirdly, the above relathionships are deduced, which
are ellipse or hyperbola, and the three simplified formulas are proposed. The simplified formulas have direct significance on the
angular resolution's calculation and the scanning interval setting.
The emergence of the terrestrial laser scanning technology has
broken the traditional mode of surveying data acquisition and
processing, and has promoted the development of the objective
surface characteristics' recovery techinque which is based on the
measurement model of point cloud(Reshetyuk, 2009; Zhang Yi,
2008). Recovery degree of the objective surface minuitiae
feature is described generally by the spatial resolution. In terms
of terrestrial laser scanning technology, the spatial resolution
designates the range and angular resolution of point cloud. The
latter is the main factor to determine the objective details'
recognition capability of point cloud (Lichti, 2006; Zhu Ling,
2008), which is governed primarily by scanning interval, laser
beam width and angle quantisation. At present, Professor
Lichi’s EIFOV(Effective Instantaneous Field of View)model,
which was deduced from AMTF(Average Modulation Transfer
Function) model, is the only one involving above three aspects.
In practical, the angle quantisation can be changed only by
selecting different scanner. Scanning interval and laser
beamwidth are usually required to determine in advance
through the formula of beam width, the relationship of the
EIFOV and the scanning interval, and the EIFOV of the point
cloud can be obtained. But no manufacturer of scanner provide
the formula of the beam width and the range, meanwhile the
relationship model among the EIFOV, scanning interval, and
the angular quantisation is very complicated, so that we need to
develop a simple method to calcuate the magnitude of scanning
interval on the angular quantisation knowned. Furthermore, the
magnitude of theoretical minimum angular resolution can be
used to evaluate the instrument performance. However the
theoretical minimum angular resolution is unavailable.
In order to resolve the above problems,Related research would
be focused on the formulas of differenct scanner in detail:
1) The relationship and simplified formula of scanning interval
and the angular quantisation when the EIFOV is equal to the
scanning interval;
2) The relationship and simplified formula of scanning interval
and the angular quantisation when the EIFOV is equal to the
laser beam width;
3) The relationship and simplified formula of the theoretical
minimum E/FOV and the angular quantisation.
* Yang Ronghua, Ph.D, majors in the theory and application of terrestrial laser scanning technology,
Project source: National Natural Science Foundation of China(NO.41174010 and No.40901214)
The Ministry of Land and Resources Sponsorship (NO.1212010914015)
This paper is a further research with some addition of more introduction of theories, on the base of my Ph.D dissertation
Research on Point Cloud Angular Resolution And Processing Model of Terrestrial Laser Scanning and an early paper in Chinese
Research on the point cloud angular resolution of terrestrial laser scanners, which was accepted by Geomatics and Information
Science of Wuhan University and is in publication plan.