Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

re is an 
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' distance 
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, moment 
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r moment, 
du, 1962) 
Moment invariant 4: 
¢, = (uy, +, + (uy, +) (8) 
Moment invariant 5: 
@; = (uy —3u,, us, + 242) < [450 + M2 Yu, + Ms] (9) 
+ (Buty, — Uo3 (t, 1) x [305, * Y- (u5, ug; y] 
Moment invariant 6: 
$, 7 (uy — tty (115, Tug) = (uy, Yi Y] (10) 
* Au Qu uu, us) 
Moment invariant 7: 
d, Qu, — us tss + 24,2) X [Go 1 y -39, tus] (11) 
+ (35, 7 Mg Yt + 2003) < [300650 + Mo). t s Y 1 
Semi-major axis a: 
id Up Fg, [ss tg, y Um 1/2 (12) 
a=[ ] 
Hoo /2 
Semi-major axis b: 
52 [420 Tu - [59749 y +Aur, De 1? (13) 
Based on the above parameters, ratio p of semi-major axis and 
semi-minor axis is: 
p=alb (14) 
Radiometric F of ellipse is: 
F=u,/zab (15) 
As the same with Hu's 7 moment invariants, in actual data 
processing, (» and F should be expressed by normalized central 
In LiDAR data, the direction of airplane is arbitrary, the outline 
and size are usually different, but they are similar in appearance, 
so the method must consider deformation and scale invariance. 
We use prior knowledge and invariant recognition moment to 
recognise airplanes (even hidden targets mainly under the cover 
of canopy). Figure 1 shows the processing procedure as follows: 
1. Filter and classify point cloud data into ground points 
and non-ground points; 
2. Organize non-ground points by KD-tree; 
3. Cluster the organized point cloud data and calculate 
the different targets; 
4. Transfer each object into depth image. Assign the 
minimum and maximum of the targets’ height as 0 and 255, 
so the height range can be extended to 0-255; 
5. Refine depth image; 
6. Remove the incorrect results based on prior 
knowledge such as the targets' length, width, height 
and the ratio of length to width; 
7. Calculate seven invariant moments of airplanes; 
8. Identify target by Euclidean distance between the 
target and template which was built before. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
f LiDAR point clouds data of 
Point Cloud Filtering 
Cobtain non-ground points ) 
Isolate Individual Objects by Clustering 
Convert into Depth Image 
Refine Depth Image 
Remove the Incorrect Results 
Based on Prior Knowledge 
Calculate the Moments Invariant of Targets 
Identify Targets by Euclidean Distance 
Figure 1. Flowchart of airplane recognition 
In this section, we experimented on the LiDAR point cloud data 
to confirm the recognition method for airplane targets proposed 
in this paper. The point cloud data to be identified is shown in 
Figure 2 (the red and green points respectively represent ground 
and non-ground points), which contains 23128 points and with 
a density of 2.4 points/m?, and the results of target recognition 
are shown in Figure 3 (the green and red points respectively 
represent airplane target and other target points). 
Figure 2. Point cloud data to be identified

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