Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

Z. Q. Zuo* *, Z. J. Liu, L. Zhang?, S. Tuermer? 
* Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, 28, Lianhuachixi Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R. China 100830- 
(zqzuo, zjliu, zhangl)(g)casm.ac.cn 
? Remote Sensing Technology Institute (IMF), German Aerospace Center (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany- 
Commission III, WG III/2 
KEY WORDS: 3D surface matching, 3D similarity transformation, strip adjustment, laser altimetry 
Systematic errors in point clouds acquired by airborne laser scanners, photogrammetric methods or other 3D measurement 
techniques need to be estimated and removed by adjustment procedures. The proposed method estimates the transformation 
parameters between reference surface and registration surface using a mathematical adjustment model. 3D surface matching is an 
extension of 2D least squares image matching. The estimation model is a typical Gauss-Markoff model and the goal is minimizing 
the sum of squares of the Euclidean distances between the contiguous surfaces. Besides the generic mathematical model, we also 
propose a concept of conjugate points rules which are suitable for special registering applications, and compare it to three typical 
conjugate points rules. Finally, we explain how this method can be used for the co-registration of real 3D point sets and show co- 
registration results based on airborne laser scanner data. Concluding results of our experiment suggest that the proposed method has 
a good performance of 3D surface matching, and the least normal distance rule returns the best result for the strip adjustment of 
airborne laser altimetry data. 
A laser scanner system consists of three main components: 
GPS, IMU and Laser unit. Data collection is carried out in a 
strip-wise form and the object coordinates of the laser 
footprints are determined using the direct geo-referencing from 
the GPS/IMU. Due to the systematic errors in the laser scanner 
components or in the alignment, adjacent strips usually have 
discrepancies. Such discrepancies are serious to the terrain 
modeling and object reconstruction. So the most emphasis of 
our approach is to find a general solution for the registration 
problem in 3D modeling. 
In the field of Computer Vision, one of the most famous 
methods is the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm proposed 
by Besl and McKay (1992), Chen and Medioni (1992), and 
Zhang (1994). And in the field of LIDAR and photogrammetry, 
people use data driven methods to do strip adjustment. The 
purpose of data driven methods is establishing a 3D 
transformation 7' between two point sets, which represent an 
irregular spatial sampling of the same surface (Shan, 2008). 
The earliest data driven methods, only consider the difference 
on elevation between strips, using linear system parameters 
with conjugate points of adjacent strips (Crombaghs, 2000; 
Kornus and Ruiz, 2003). And then Kilian (1996) uses a 12 
parameters model to replace the linear parameters. In order to 
eliminate the strong correlation of the 12 parameters model, 
Vosselman and Maas (2001) use a 9 parameters model to 
estimate 3D transformation. Morin and El-Sheimy (2001) just 
considered the global translation and rotation transformation to 
establish a 6 parameters model. And if the scale factor can be 
involved, the 7 parameters of a space similarity transformation 
model may return an effective solution for the strip adjustment 
(Robert, 2004; Gruen and Akca, 2005). 
Least squares 3D surface matching (LS3D) is a typical data 
driven method, where the sum of squares of the Euclidean 
distances between the neighboring surfaces is minimized. 
LS3D has many advantages compared with the ICP method, 
* Corresponding author 
and the significant one is that conjugate points of LS3D can be 
obtained using interpolation on 3D surface but ICP needs real 
points. Hence, LS3D can achieve higher accuracy in many 
cases, especially in the co-registration routine of different 
resolution point clouds. 
In this approach, we propose a mathematical model for LS3D. 
It is a general model for estimating orthomorphic 
transformation parameters for conjugate surfaces. Three 
different searching rules of conjugate points on adjacent 
surfaces are defined in this adjustment system and each rule 
can be well used in the new estimate model. Also the 
differences are compared to existing methods and are shown in 
detail. At last, two groups of real airborne laser scanner data 
are used to show the capabilities of our method. 
2.1 New Estimation Model 
The major task of 3D surface matching is finding the 
transformation parameters between template surface 
Flx,y, zZ) and searching surface G(x, X, zZ) The 
overlapping area between two surfaces is O(x 3 y.2 y, which 
can be defined as O — F' (1G . The goal of least squares 
estimation of the orthomorphic transformation parameters is as 
G(x,y,z) =T{F(x,y,z)} (D 
To express the geometric relationship between the conjugate 
surfaces, a seven parameters similarity transformation is used: 
xt f. X 
y' -|f, - mR(g,o,K)«| y Q) 
24 t, z 

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