Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

e For the images of the Farm and the Vegetation classes, the 
images on the same scenes of the key images but at different 
reslutions are the first ones retrieved by using the feature 
sets (Or + O g - Ow). This indicates that their features are 
the most similar to that of the key images among all the 
images in the database, though their spatial resolutions are 
very different. While for the Building class, the image on 
the same scene of the key image has also been retrieved by 
using the feature sets (Og 4- O g4O yw). 
In this paper, we have proposed the method for indexing the re- 
mote sensing images at different reslutions. The radiometric fea- 
tures, the texture features (including the Gaussian wavelet fea- 
tures, the Gabor features and the GCLM features) and the shape 
features have been used in this paper. For the Gaussian wavelet 
features, we have proposed to use the resolution invariance in or- 
der to compare the features extracted from images at different 
reslutions. While for the GLCM features, the distance parame- 
ters are tuned according the resolutions of the images. According 
to the image retreival results of remote sensing images at differ- 
ent reslutions, the combination of the radiometric features, the 
GLCM features and the Gaussian wavelet features is very effi- 
cient though the difference of the spatial resolutions is important. 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia

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