the influence of region likelihood would decrease if the region
is irregular. This work will be done in future.
shape 1
s wavelet
ns image Pine
by using
sition, the
xel level
ion level
x of each
ally, the
del. The
> pyramid
feature to CR
ation(8) d
'ottom up E a
scale up
Ti na Figure3. Classification result of MSRF
3 t : à i 3 5 SS E
; Figure 1. Aerial image of size 626*626
tion field
transition TER IT et ER S aan PU 10023 lh
rithm as el ter jj Mm =
E E el
A ut
udy. The
as spatial
nd blue).
ain many
to justify
shown in
ze, which 4
ial multi- : ÿ Lot
see from D Le. o E HS T
di f a he ; ; ;
sponoinsc Veo poe Figure 4. classificaltion result of UMSRF
Improve Figure 2. Initial ES rud at B 0
ive the |
pectively. 5, CONCLUSION
sented by
Compare In this paper, we have introduced a unified multi-scale MRF
y, we can model for high resolution image classification. This method try
tent. For to combine the advantage of pixel based and region based MRF.
mage are By introducing region shape information into MSRF model, the
pixels is UMSRF model can complement the pixel based information to
nsidering classify the land cover object. The merit of the USMF is that it
nstead of not only inherits the advantage of MSRF, but also employs the
MSRF as information provided by initial segmentation. This is especially
yrmation, useful to objects that has increased intra-class variation but has
| spectral regular shape. Initial experimental results demonstrate that the
esolution proposed approach performs comparably better than MSRF.
Future research work involves introducing semantic information
UMSRF to adjust the influence of region based information
SRF are automatically to improve classification accuracy further.
increase B
nt and |
ion show
shape of
Is us that
Figure5. Ground truth used for precision estimation