Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
S. Rokhsari*, A. Abed-Elmdoust 5, M. Karimi * 
* GIS Division, Department of Surveying and Geomatic Eng, College of Eng., University of Tehran, Iran - 
"Research Associate, School of Civil ‚College of Eng., University of Tehran, Iran-armaghanabed@ut.ac.ir 
“Department of Surveying and Geomatic Eng., Shahid Rajaee university, Tehran, Iran-raha@yahoo.com 
Commission VI, WG VI/4 
KEY WORDS: Traffic camera, Image fusion, Wavelet. 
The development of new monitoring systems and the increasing interest of researchers in obtaining reliable measurements have 
leaded to the development of automatic monitoring moving objects. One way to ensure monitoring object is to use multi time’s 
image fusion. Image fusion is a sub area of the more general topic of data fusion. Image fusion can be roughly defined as the process 
of combining multiple input images into an image, which contains the ‘relevant’ information from the inputs. The aim of image 
fusion is to integrate complementary and redundant information from multiple images to create a composite that contains a better 
fused image than any of the individual source images. Main purpose of the former is to increase both the spectral and spatial 
resolution of images by combining multiple images. 
In this paper we tried to use this theory for moving object tracking, so with the usage of multi images that are obtained in different 
times and combination of them with this theory we identify the path of movement of moving object so this result could help us to 
implement automatic systems that that could monitor objects automatically without human interventation. 
So in this paper first we will discuss the principal of fusion and its famous method (wavelet theory) and all process that involved for 
doing a fusion process. 
1. INTRODUCTION Tracking moving object 
A lot of low and high level image processing algorithms have to | | 
be developed to meet all the requirements of an intelligent 
monitoring system. The performance of the system will depend 
; va : ; ; different times 
on the reliable recognition of moving object, their adequate 
description and the knowledge of how to combine these - 
P ; [Image preparation 
parameters with information from other sources to solve the MEE 
problems of monitoring objects. 
So here we want to use image fusion method to identify 
movement path of a moving object so for doing this process we 
Selection of best form of 
used steps like below: 
-Image acquisition in different times and preparation of them 
: s Selection of level of 
Finally section.4 will show the result of fusion so fusion result decomposition 
will show us the path of moving object so the result could us to 
In this step we obtained images in different times so these 
sequence images will show the movement of object in different 
monitoring moving obj ects Identification of path of 
Figure.1 shows the steps of process for multi images fusion for more 
tracking moving object 
times then we tried to prepare them so in section.] and 2 we 
discussed the principal of fusion for tracking moving object and 
in section.2 I discussed the steps such as registration and 
sampling and histogram matching for preparation of input 
-Using the best method for multi images fusion 
For fusion of multi images we used wavelet theory as an 
important theory for multi image fusion for tracking moving 
object, so saection.3 will demonstrates the principal of fusion 
theory for integration of multi images and  section.4 
demonstrates the principal of famous methods for fusion. 
Figure.1: The steps of process for multi images fusion for 
tracking moving object

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