Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

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In order to determine the internal accuracy, the 3D models were 
created to the extent to which the data is available, separately 
from the ALS and TLS data. Composition of both models is 
shown in Figure 4. 
This figure shows that both models intersect. Further, 
a comparison between the lower edge of the roof shows that the 
model created from airborne laser scanning data is placed 
higher than the model created from terrestrial laser scanning 
data. To quantify the level of mismatch between the two models 
there were compared to each other: heights, horizontal distances 
and spatial distances of 39 ("Object 1”) and 89 ("Object 2") 
homologous points in both models. The results of this 
comparison are shown in the Table 1. As the RMSE was taken: 
Es es 
| 2 
— 1 i=l : 
where | c- RMSE 
d; = difference (residue) between heights, planar 
distance or three-dimensional distance of homologous 
n = number of homologous points 
“Object 1” “Object 2° 
min. residue 0.001m 0.001m 
max. residue 0.288m 0.365m 
mean residue 0.082m 0.142m 
RMSE 0.118m 0.166m 
min. residue 0.000m -0.231m 
max. residue 0.277m 0.260m 
mean residue 0.165m -0.010m 
RMSE 0.188m 0.090m 
min. residue 0.004m 0.007m 
max. residue 0.353m 0.366m 
mean residue 0.200m 0.166m 
RMSE 0.222m 0.189m 
Table 1. Results of internal accuracy assessment. 
Presented in Table 1 values show that the three-dimensional 
internal accuracy is about 0.2m for both investigated objects. 
The horizontal accuracy for “Object 1” is over 0.1m but better 
than for “Object 2”. Analysing the vertical accuracy for “Object 
1” it can be found that model created from ALS data is placed 
over model created from TLS data (positive mean value of the 
residue). Completely different case there is for “Object 2” — 
model created from ALS data is slightly below model created 
from TLS data. Also the vertical accuracy in case of “Object 1” 
is more than twice times larger than for “Object 2”. It proves 
that matching of ALS and TLS point clouds should be executed 
separately for object or even building. 
Internal accuracy of the model can also be linked to the 
generalization and detail of modelling (4.2 Error sources; point 
5). Examples of generalized surfaces and visualization of 
residues between scanning points and modelled (as planes) 
surfaces are shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6. The maximum 
differences reach even the value of 0.3m. 
Figure 5. Left: Distance differences between modelled plane 
of roof and scanning points. Right: part of modelled roof. 
0.30 -0.25 -0.20 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 [m] 
Figure 6. Upper: part of modelled facade. Lower: Distance 
differences between modelled plane of facade and scanning 
4.3 Reference data 
In the following discussion of the accuracy assessment, all of 
listed in points 1 to 6 errors (4.1 Error sources) are considered 
together. The final evaluation of the model's accuracy was made 
by comparing the model with the results of an independent on 
site measurement. The measurement was performed using Leica 
TCR407Power reflectorless total station from warp points that 
coordinates were determined with use of GNSS technique 
supported by ASG-EUPOS system. Based on tachymetric 
measurements there were determined coordinates of 354 
referenced points: 75 for “Object 1” and 279 (on several 
buildings) for “Object 2”. There were measured two types of 
referenced points: for vector elements (corners of vector model) 
and for texture elements (corners not present in vector model 
but on textures). Example of referenced points location is 
shown in Figure 6. 

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