Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Figure 3: From left to right (a), (b), (c) and (d). Building extraction results using a MPP of rectangles (Tournaire et al., 2010). 
from a Digital Surface Model (DSM) using a MPP of rectangles. 
This implementation, which has been included in the 1ibrjmcmc 
to foster reproducible research, amounts to provide the problem- 
dependent object: the rectangle type, the energies and the ker- 
nels. We show here results of this implementation on 4 different 
DSMs (figure 3), from 10cm to 50cm Ground Sample Distance 
(GSD), acquired using photogrammetry or Lidar and of various 
sizes. Figures 3.a and b are on the same area which is also con- 
tained in figure 3.d. The size of the dataset 3.d shows the scala- 
bility of the proposed approach, even in the absence of a proper 
acceleration (such as a quad tree). 
Input DSM MPP 
Figure Type GSD Image size | Rectangles Time 
3.a Photo50em 650x 650 76 1775 
3.b Lidar 50cm 650x 650 100 179s 
3.c Photo 10cm 800x 1400 31 104s 
3.d Photo 50cm 3634 x 2502 426 480s 
Generic programming is very efficient at run-time and this library 
showcases how modular high-level code performs well at runtime 
(Abrahams and Gurtovoy, 2004). Once accustomed to the neces- 
sary typedef clauses, using the library reduces to simply describ- 
ing the problem at a high-level rather. Its development is how- 
ever quite cumbersome, due to the extra burden allocated to the 
compiler, and its lack of native language support. Until concepts 
are accepted as part of C++, there are preliminary ways to bet- 
ter document them and to get more legible error reporting when 
the library is misused. 1ibrjmcmc now only checks the validity 
of the Schedule concept as an input iterator. Future work would 
be to systematically check template parameters for their intended 
Implementations of close relatives of the RIMCMC algorithm, 
such as jump diffusion or multiple birth and death (Descombes, 
2011) would share many code parts. It would be interesting to 
implement them in a common library to assess their comparative 
In the librjmcmc , complex binary or unary energy terms may 
be built using expressions on simpler energies. This technique is 
called a Domain-Specific Embedded Language (DSEL). It would 
be nice to extend its use the whole energy formulation, kernels, 
distributions, and even transforms so that, for instance, complex 
transform would be able to generate their Jacobian computation 
code at compile-time. This would help hiding the complex type 
names produced by the generic programming and help offering 
à more user-friendly interface. boost::proto is a framework to 
define such DSELs, but its ease of use and runtime costs will 
have to be assessed. 
Finally, the 1ibrjmcmc has now only be used within a 2D MPP 
context. Future interesting work would be to implement other 
Configuration, Kernel and Energy models, in embedding spaces 
of other dimensions (1D signals (Hernandez-Marin et al., 2007; 
Mallet et al., 2010), 3D ellipses (Perrin et al., 2006)...) or even in 
a non-MPP context, for instance to optimize a 3D triangulation 
over the noisy heightfield of photogrammetric Digital Surface 
Model. Our wish is that the open-source license of the 1ibr jmcmc 
library will enable reproducible research. 
Abrahams, D. and Gurtovoy, A., 2004. C++ template metapro- 
gramming: concepts, tools, and techniques from Boost and be- 
yond. C++ in-depth series, Addison-Wesley professional. 
Descombes, X., 2011. Stochastic Geometry for Image Analysis. 
Publ. Wiley/Iste, Hoboken, USA. 
Gilviewer, 2012. A C++ library for developping applications with 
2D raster and vector viewer functionalities. http://code. 
Green, P. J., 1995. Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo 
computation and Bayesian model determination. Biometrika 
vol. 82(4), pp. 711-732. 
Hastings, W. K., 1970. Monte Carlo sampling using Markov 
chains and their applications. Biometrica 57(1), pp. 97-109. 
Hernandez-Marin, S., Wallace, A. M. and Gibson, G. J., 2007. 
Bayesian analysis of lidar signals with multiple returns. IEEE 
Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. vol. 29(12), pp. 2170-2180. 
librimcmc, 2012. A generic C++ library for stochastic optimiza- 
tion. http://librjmomc.ign.fr. 
Mallet, C., Lafarge, E, Roux, M., Soergel, U., Bretar, F. and 
Heipke, C., 2010. A Marked Point Process for modeling li- 
dar waveforms. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing vol. 
19 (12), pp. 3204-3221. 
Perrin, G., Descombes, X. and Zerubia, J., 2006. 2D and 3D 
vegetation resource parameters assessment using marked point 
processes. In: Proc. of the International Conference on Pattern 
Recognition, Hong-Kong, China. 
Salamon, P., Sibani, P. and Frost, R., 2002. Facts, conjectures and 
improvements for simulated annealing. Society for Industrial 
and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, USA. 
Tournaire, O., Brédif, M., Boldo, D. and Durupt, M., 2010. An 
efficient stochastic approach for building footprint extraction 
from digital elevation models. ISPRS Journal of Photogram- 
metry and Remote Sensing vol. 65(4), pp. 317-327. 
van Lieshout, M. N. M., 2000. Markov point processes and their 
applications. Imperial College Press, London, England.

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