Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Fabien Coubard ?, Lámán Lelégard ?, Mathieu Brédif^, Nicolas Paparoditis *, Xavier Briottet b 
? Université Paris-Est, Institut Géographique National, MATIS lab 
73, avenue de Paris 94165 SAINT-MANDÉ, FRANCE 
2, avenue Édouard Belin 31055 TOULOUSE, FRANCE 
Commission III/3 
KEY WORDS: Sky radiance, illumination, environment map, terrestrial images 
The knowledge of the sky illumination is important for radiometric corrections and for computer graphics applications such as relighting 
or augmented reality. We propose an approach to compute environment maps, representing the sky radiance, from a set of ground-based 
images acquired by a panoramic acquisition system, for instance a mobile-mapping system. These images can be affected by important 
radiometric artifacts, such as bloom or overexposure. À Perez radiance model is estimated with the blue sky pixels of the images, and 
used to compute additive corrections in order to reduce these radiometric artifacts. The sky pixels are then aggregated in an environment 
map, which still suffers from discontinuities on stitching edges. The influence of the quality of estimated sky radiance on the simulated 
light signal is measured quantitatively on a simple synthetic urban scene; in our case, the maximal error for the total sensor radiance is 
about 10%. 
1.1 Why does sky illumination matter? 
The recent development of on-line viewers of street level images 
leads to the acquisition of a huge number of high-resolution, geo- 
referenced, urban, terrestrial images. Panoramic images are also 
used for architectural or archaeological surveys. Understanding 
the physical process of the formation of digital images is a key to 
the development of many applications, for professionals as well 
as for the general public. For instance, relighting or augmented 
reality can be performed from an estimation of a reflectance map 
of the scene (Yu et al., 1999). While processing the radiometric 
information carried by the pixels values, it is of primary interest 
to estimate precisely the light sources of the scene. For the out- 
door scenes, the single light source is the sun, and the medium 
through which its light reaches the scene is the atmosphere. The 
sky is a complex participating medium, that may be highly het- 
erogeneous in the presence of clouds, and that combines multiple 
physical phenomena (molecular and aerosol scattering and atten- 
uation): its modelization for radiative transfer is thus a difficult 
task. In this work, we propose an image-based approach to re- 
trieve the downward sky radiance from the whole dome above 
the scene. The extraction and aggregation of sky pixels from the 
images highlight radiometric issues in the acquired images; these 
issues are tackled with a non-physical method. 
1.2 Related work 
A simplified model of sky radiance can be computed by using a 
radiative transfer code, such as 6S (Vermote et al., 1997). This 
method implies the knowledge of the atmospheric composition at 
the time of acquisition. This composition can be characterized by 
the optical depth of the different gases and aerosols, that can be 
obtained by meteorological measures. But as these measures are 
costly, they usually are not available . It can also be characterized 
by one simple observable parameter: the optical visibility, which 
is easier to measure. However, the radiative transfer computation 
is usually limited to atmosphere made of homogeneous parallel 
planes (Schanda, 1986). Though it is sufficient for low resolu- 
tion applications such as meteorology or climatology, it can be 
a strong limitation for processing high resolution terrestrial im- 
ages, in which local variations of the sky downward radiance can 
have a significant effect, as in the presence of clouds. In a non 
physically-based way, there exist empirical parametric models to 
represent the sky radiance; they are presented in (?). The model 
of (Perez et al., 1993) is the most popular, and its small number 
of parameters is valuable for inversion purpose. These models 
are valid for clear or continuously veiled skies, but cannot repre- 
sent clouds. In computer graphics, (Debevec, 1998) proposes to 
retrieve an environment map by imaging a mirrored ball. It can 
be used to photo-realistically introduce objects in a scene. How- 
ever, the estimated radiance with this method is valid only for the 
location of the mirrored ball, and cannot be used for other points 
of the scene in the generic case of non-lambertian materials and 
participating medium. That is why we prefer an estimation of sky 
radiance for the whole dome. 
After a formulation of the problem (section 2), two approaches 
are presented for estimating a sky radiance map; they are then 
used jointly for attenuating the effect of radiometric artifacts (sec- 
tion 3). The environment maps resulting of these approaches are 
then presented for a urban dataset acquired by a mobile-mapping 
vehicle, and the influence of their quality on a simulation problem 
is then quantitatively measured (section 4). 
2. Light sources model 
Performing a complete simulation of the physical interaction be- 
tween the sky and the solar light (scattering and attenuation) is 
a very costly computation using volume rendering (Pharr and 
Humphreys, 2004). Furthermore, it requires the knowledge of 
the composition of the atmosphere, that is usually not homoge- 
neous, nor made of homogeneous parallel planes (mostly because 
of the presence of clouds). The main idea in the proposed paper 

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