Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

-B3, 2012 
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E. Kwak', M. Al-Durgham °, A. Habib * 
? Dept. of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive, Calgary, T2N 1N4, AB, Canada - 
(ekwak, ahabib)@ucalgary.ca 
® Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, 35 St. George Street, Toronto, M5S 1A4, ON, Canada - 
Commission III, WG III/4 
KEY WORDS: LiDAR, Photogrammetry, Building, Modeling, Automation 
Digital Building Model is an important component in many applications such as city modelling, natural disaster planning, and 
aftermath evaluation. The importance of accurate and up-to-date building models has been discussed by many researchers, and many 
different approaches for efficient building model generation have been proposed. They can be categorised according to the data 
source used, the data processing strategy, and the amount of human interaction. In terms of data source, due to the limitations of 
using single source data, integration of multi-senor data is desired since it preserves the advantages of the involved datasets. Aerial 
imagery and LiDAR data are among the commonly combined sources to obtain 3D building models with good vertical accuracy from 
laser scanning and good planimetric accuracy from aerial images. The most used data processing strategies are data-driven and 
model-driven ones. Theoretically one can model any shape of buildings using data-driven approaches but practically it leaves the 
question of how to impose constraints and set the rules during the generation process. Due to the complexity of the implementation of 
the data-driven approaches, model-based approaches draw the attention of the researchers. However, the major drawback of model- 
based approaches is that the establishment of representative models involves a manual process that requires human intervention. 
Therefore, the objective of this research work is to automatically generate building models using the Minimum Bounding Rectangle 
algorithm and sequentially adjusting them to combine the advantages of image and LiDAR datasets. 
The importance of up-to-date and accurate geospatial 
information has been emphasized with the increasing demand 
for Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Digital Building 
Model (DBM) is one of the important components among the 
geospatial information especially in urban areas. They are 
required as an input in many applications such as city 
modelling, natural disaster planning, and aftermath 
evaluation. With the development of sensor technology and 
the increase of user requirements, many different approaches 
for efficient building model generation have been proposed 
(Rottensteiner et al., 2005; Habib et al., 2010; Huang and 
Sester, 2011). They can be categorised according to the data 
source used, the data processing strategy, and the amount of 
human interaction (Vosselman and Maas, 2010). 
In terms of data source, aerial imagery and LiDAR data are 
among the most commonly used sources to obtain 3D 
building models which can provide good vertical accuracy 
from laser scanning and good planimetric accuracy from 
aerial images. Due to the limitations of using single source 
data, integration has been already recommended since it 
preserves the advantages of the involved datasets. Using only 
aerial imagery provides reliable results based on a 
photogrammetric approach, but the low degree of automation 
during the matching process is a main limitation especially in 
case of occlusions. Partial or complete occlusions are 
common problems for images over urban areas. LIDAR 
systems provide direct 3D positional information eliminating 
the need for a matching process, but the derived boundaries 
do not represent the actual building boundaries due to the low 
sampling rate of airborne LiDAR data. This makes LIDAR 
* Corresponding author. 
data not sufficient as a stand-alone source. The advantages of 
the integration of LIDAR and image datasets for the building 
reconstruction are already well summarised in many 
researches (Cheng et al, 2008; Demir et al, 2009; 
Awrangjeb et al., 2010; Habib et al., 2010). 
The most used data processing strategies are the data-driven 
and the model-driven ones. Data-driven approaches which 
are also called bottom-up processes often rely on LiDAR data 
and do not make assumptions regarding the building shapes. 
Theoretically one can model any shape of buildings using 
data-driven approaches, but practically it leaves the question 
of how to impose constraints and set the rules during the 
generation process (Brenner, 2005). Due to the complexity of 
the implementation of the data-driven approaches, model- 
based approaches, i.e., top-down processes, draw the 
attention of the researchers. It predefines building models 
using model parameters, and the model parameters are 
updated using information derived from existing data. 
Complex building models can be constructed by combining 
small sets of model primitives depending on the desired level 
of detail. While it provides robust computation, establishing 
the representative models requires manual interaction (Tseng 
and Wang, 2003). Therefore, the objective of this research 
work is to automatically generate building boundaries using 
the minimum number of models while combining the 
advantages of image and LiDAR datasets. In this paper, the 
focus of reconstruction is on complex structures, which 
comprise a collection of rectangular primitives. The 
assumption is that most of the existing buildings, especially 
in urban areas, can be reconstructed using combination of 
rectangular shapes. To meet this objective, the proposed

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