second building
f different MBR
from the LiDAR
g the sequential
t levels (red and
he final adjusted
ed onto the image.
aerial images that
s no limitation in
of a single image
he use of more
building which
T n (b)
Figure 6. Initial MBRs (a) and adjusted MBRs (b) of the first
building projected onto the image
As seen in Figure 5, three MBR levels are derived from the
second test building. The three levels of initial models and
their adjustment results are depicted in Figure 7 where the
different colors represent the different MBR levels.
(a) (b)
Figure 7. Initial MBRs (a) and adjusted MBRs (b) of the
second building projected onto the image
At last, the final shape of each building which is the result
from the Boolean operation of the adjusted MBRs is
projected onto the image (Figure 8).
Figure 8. Final shape of the building projected onto the image
This paper presented a robust approach to generate building
models automatically from LiDAR and imagery by proposing
the recursive MBR and the sequential MBR adjustment.
Experimental results demonstrate how the recursive MBR
algorithm decomposes buildings into rectangular models
automatically and models are adjusted sequentially. The final
model can be achieved by alternating the Boolean operation
of subtraction and addition from each level of adjusted MBRs.
This methodology can be applied to more complex buildings
With more MBR levels. While the proposed approach
provides high level of automation and accuracy, it can model
only the types of buildings which decompose into rectangles.
Future work includes increasing the applicability of the
proposed algorithm for other building shapes in order to
obtain complete building models and maintain the high
accuracy and automation level.
This work was supported by the Canadian GEOIDE NCE
Network (IV-17) and the National Science and Engineering
Council of Canada (Discovery Grant). The authors would
like to thank McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd, BC,
Canada for providing the real dataset and technical feedback.
Last but not least, this work could not be accomplished
without the help of Zahra Lari and Ivan Detchev.
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