Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

The Douglas-Peucker-Algorithm was used to get the feature 
points of the original point set by recursively eliminating 
points. Then the solution of least squares with 
perpendicularity was applied to determine regularized 
building boundaries. Finally the building outlines were 
converted in DXF format for ISPRS test evaluation. Fig.(5) 
showed the regularized building boundaries. 
3.3 Result Analysis 
Our methods detected 8 buildings in Vaihingen A2 area and 
6 buildings in suburban area. Pixel-based evaluation and 
object-based evaluation on Point-in-Polygon were used as 
evaluation based on the method described in Rutzinger et al., 
(2009). The evaluation of Vaihingen A2 area was provided 
by Rottensteiner et al. as result of ISPRS Benchmark on 
Urban Object Classificaton and 3D Building Reconstruction, 
while the evaluation of suburban area was calculated 
manually by ourselves. 
In pixel-based evaluation, completeness represented 
Producer’s Accuracy, correctness represented User’s 
Accuracy, and quality represented balances of completeness 
and correctness. Fig.(6) showed the pixels classified as True 
Positive (TP), False Positive (FP) and False Negative (FN) 
in the pixel-based evaluation, which indicated that the 
algorithm had detected the majority of the buildings, without 
too many FPs performance. Tab.(2) showed the result of 
pixel-based evaluation. 
Table 2 Results of a pixel-based evaluation 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Pixel Pixel Pixel 
completeness correctness quality 
A2 88.5% 98.9% 87.6% 
Suburban 87.9% 98.3% 86.6% 
Since object-based evaluation techniques are less sensitive to 
errors at the building outlines and can be related to building 
parameters (Rottensteiner et al., 2005), object-based evaluation 
based on Point-in-Polygon Tests was also used to evaluate. 
Tab.(3) showed the results of the performance evaluation based 
on the PIP test. 
Table 3 Results of an object-based evaluation using PIP test 
Object Object Object 
completeness correctness quality 
A2 71.4% 100.0% 71.4% 
Suburban — 70.396 100.0% 70.3% 
The results of evaluation indicated that building extraction 
from DSM in a complex urban area by using extended 
LEGION can achieve considerable accuracy. 
4. Conclusion 
The study presented in this paper has used the neural oscillator 
network LEGION approach and applied it to building 
extraction from DSM. The extended LEGION method needs no 
assumption about the underlying structures in DSM data and no 
prior knowledge regarding the number of regions. This method 
successfully segmented real DSM data, which shows that it 
may represent a generic DSM segmentation method. Building 
objects in urban and suburban areas DSM can be detected 
efficiently and effectively. The boundary regularization method 
takes rectangularity constraints and arc constraints into account, 
and thus produces promising results. 
This work is supported by National Basic Research Program of 
China (2012CB957702) and the Innovation Program of 
Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (No. 
11YZ290) .We acknowledge the data set is a subset of the data 
used for the test of digital aerial cameras carried out by the 
German Association of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
(DGPF) ‚which referenced from M. Cramer. And we would 
like to thank for The ISPRS Benchmark on Urban Object 
Classification and 3D Building Reconstruction, which provided 
by F. Rottensteiner, G. Sohn, M. Gerke, C. Baillard, S. Benitez, 
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