Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

XIX-B3, 2012 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
S, Schmid,C.) Some researchers proposed use of colour 
information for edge extraction and line segment stereo 
matching[Ok, A.O, Scholze, S.], our approach does not attempt 
to extract and match line segments for two reasons (1) only flat 
rooftops are modelled which means that same height is assigned 
to multiple points, thus, it is sufficient to match points on the 
edge of the building to compute height of the building. (2) 
Building boundaries are digitized, refined and connected on 
nadir image. These boundaries along with the height 
information analytically transferred to the ortho image as the 
relation between geometrically uncorrected image, epi-polar 
image and ortho image is established using the sensor model. 
If two overlapping images are relatively oriented then the 
disparity between two conjugate points is due to the topographic 
relief. Based on the geometry either the set of points are 
matched in original stereo pair or the other image is re-sampled 
to form set of epi-polar images. In case of Cartosat-2, often the 
angle about roll axis is significant; this means that the disparity 
due to terrain variation will not be restricted to one dimension. 
Image matching strategy has to take into account the image 
acquisition process. The disparity map obtained in lower 
resolution is utilized to guide the matching in next step; In both 
cases geometric constraint is used to limit the search space. The 
dense DSM is generated using area based matching techniques 
performed on epi-polar images, while feature based matching 
matches the edges of buildings in raw as well as in. epi-polar 
images using the geometric constraints. For both the image 
matching techniques, normalized cross correlation is used as a 
similarity measure. In both the matching approachs, template 
size is increased dynamically. The similarity measure of 
normalized cross correlation initiates with a small template and 
two thresholds, termed as noise and acceptance threshold. If the 
normalized cross correlation coefficient for the template is more 
than or equal to the acceptance correlation threshold, the point 
is checked for forward and reverse matching. It is accepted as a 
match point if the correlation coefficient is more than the 
acceptance threshold for both the directions. If the correlation 
coefficient is less than the acceptance threshold but higher than 
the noise threshold, the template size for reference and search 
space is increased and correlation coefficient is recomputed. 
The noise threshold is selected as 0.4 and acceptance threshold 
is selected as 0.9. Initial window size of the search image is 13 
by 13 which is increased in steps of two pixels. The process is 
repeated for at least three different sized windows. This process 
is repeated for each level of image pyramid .The unmatched 
points are transferred to the next level using interpolation. The 
interpolation for unmatched point is not done for matching of 
original resolution images. 
2.6 Computation of Normalized DSM 
A Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is the elevation model of the 
landscape which does not include above ground objects. On the 
other hand, a Digital Surface Model (DSM) includes the objects 
with their heights above the ground as well as the topography. 
The man-made objects with different heights over the terrain 
can be detected by applying a threshold to Digital Surface 
Model. The DTM is estimated using mathematical morphology. 
The morphological operators help in bringing the background 
terrain from the DSM. The above ground objects are detected 
using the DSM and morph output. Two morphological 
operators, namely “opening” and “closing” are used iteratively. 
The size of the window depends upon the size of the building. 
The normalized DSM is generated by subtracting the DTM 
from the DSM. Segmentation and area filters detect the 
buildings of desired size. Finally the building outline can be 
constructed using the neighbouring gradients. For the better 
definition of the building, the gradient information from the 
gray image is also used. The DTM provides the ground height 
which is used as an input for computing the building/object 
Fig. 6 Derived DSM 
Fig. 7 Normalized DSM 
2.7 Development of 2-D and 3-D Digitization Tool 
Automatic detection of edges and grouping them to form a 
meaningful entity has been an area of research for a long time. 
Attempts to find a completely automatic and successful solution 
for these problems is an active area of research. A 2-D 
digitization option is used to manually digitize the building 
outlines in one image. These manually digitized boundaries are 
further refined using the Canny operator. In this case, the edges 
are found only in the neighbourhood of the manually digitized 
edge to ensure better localization. These edges are matched in 
other images using the geometrically constrained image 
matching procedure. In case the image matching procedure is 
not able to find corresponding edges in another image, 
digitization is done in 3-D viewing mode. User can move cursor 
in Z direction and place each vertex of the feature at any 
position in depth during digitization and fuse the cursors. 
Positions of cursors in left and right images are recorded. 
Options are available to draw points, lines and polygons. Fig. 2 
shows digitized building boundaries for a portion of 
Washington image. 
Fig. (2): Digitized building boundaries 
The process improves edge localization and minimizes the 
effort of manual identification of edges precisely. 
2.8 Refinement the Edges 
Digitization of buildings is the major step in 3D site modelling, 
fully automatic methods for building extraction are not enough 
matured as a result we prefer semi automatic digitization 
method. The precision of edges is attained by refining the 
digitized edges to the nearest real edges which are lost in 
manual digitization. This is performed in the following steps, 
1. Digitize manually in the proximity of the intended building. 
2. Refine the edges that are manually digitized in step-1 by 
densifying and constructing a neighbourhood of each of 
these points and searching for real edges in canny edge 

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