an be coded in a
s segmentation for
ised on a masked
elds and of “don’t
n was originally
:d characters. The
ith blurred edges.
to search for the
vindow. We place
ields, which helps
on coefficient c is
3:) (1)
"off" mask, g. -
covered by “on”
he image covered
in the mask, m—
nber of “on” and
iation of intensity
lard deviation of
ipper right, lower
d with the whole
coefficient higher
selected pixels are
rimitive instances
| "lower left") and
exemplary corner
blue and yellow
than the detection
bute. For a typical
in from texture of
ide textures: red -
ower right" and
a human observer
g Marr's principle
would be entered
sing an according
ce. However, this
overloads the computational resources necessary for the
following reasoning currently available. So we decided to
perform a non-maximum suppression as is usually performed in
computer vision. Only 365 L-primitive instances remain which
are displayed on black ground in Fig. 3.
Figure 3. Primitives extracted after non-maximum suppression
From this figure the reader may estimate what is lost during the
primitive extraction phase. Recall that the following symbolic
process only sees these data, not the image itself.
22 Two Different Production Systems
The paper reports experiments with different types of
production rules representing lattice grouping and symmetry
grouping. Three variants are compared — see Tab. 1:
1) “canonical” the natural common sense part-off hierarchy is:
A facade consists of a vertical column of (two or three)
horizontal rows of (e.g. a dozen) windows; these windows are
of same size and shape; each window consists of an upper U-
structure and a lower U-structure and each of these consists of
two L-primitives in according symmetric convex configuration.
A careful look at the set of primitives given e.g. in Fig. 3 shows
that only a minority of the windows perceived by humans in
Fig. 2 allow reduction to instances Rectangle according to this
system. Most often something is missing or badly displaced.
Accordingly, the grouping of non-trivial Row and Lattice
instances will also fail. There is little sense in trying automatic
interpretation with this system.
2) Experience shows that often one corner is missing, while
other corners appear multiply in displaced versions. There is a
standard approach to cope with such situation: The symmetry
axes of one vertical U-structure and one horizontal U-structure
are intersected. Additionally, one side of these structures must
be quite close to one of the other, and of course again convexity
is demanded. Thus even incomplete windows can be
instantiated, and attributed with height and width. But they will
be instantiated multiply, and for this reason a clustering
production is included, that fuses several such adjacent Intersect
instances into one Rectangle object. The rest of the system —
namely grouping into rows and lattices is the same. All systems
used here first group in horizontal direction and then in vertical.
Experiments with this system are reported below.
3) The third variant attempts to group the window corners into
rows first. This has the advantage that some of the corners have
higher probability of appearing than others (according to their
orientation). Quite long such rows can be grouped, and thus the
generator vector (shift from one window to the next) can be
estimated with good precision. Then from two such rows a row
of U-structures can be built simultaneously with all parts in one,
and afterwards a row of windows with common width and
height for all windows which are part of it. So this follows a
different part-of hierarchy than the one used above. This
follows the idea that two nearby rows of structures having the
same generator with high accuracy probably result from the
same repetitive pattern. We can be more liberal with biased
displacements such as shear and un-biased displacements will
be averaged out by the previous grouping. Experiments with
this system are also reported below.
Left-hand Right-hand constraint
U-structure L-primitive, L-primitive symm. & convex
Rectangle U-structure, U-structure symm. & convex
Row Rectangle, Rectangle horizontal proximity
Row Row, Rectangle good continuation
Lattice Row, Row vertical proximity
Lattice Lattice, Row good continuation
System "canonical"
U-structure L-primitive, L-primitive symm. & convex
Intersect U-structure, U-structure prox. & orthogonal
Rectangle Intersect, ..., Intersect proximity
Row Rectangle, Rectangle horizontal proximity
Row Row, Rectangle good continuation
Lattice Row, Row vertical proximity
Lattice Lattice, Row good continuation
System "windows first
L-Row L-primitive, L-primitive horizontal proximity
L-Row L-Row, L-primitive good continuation
U-Row L-Row, L-Row parts(sym. & conv.) &
similar generator
Row U-Row, U-Row orthogonal & similar
Lattice Row, Row vertical proximity
Lattice Lattice, Row good continuation
System "L-rows first
Table 1. Production systems
2.3 Automatic Interpretation
Search: The grouping uses the interpretation system proposed
by Michaelsen et al. (2011) which is a successor of the BPI
system (Stilla & Michaelsen, 1997). Two types of productions
are feasible: Normal form productions and cluster productions.
Only one cluster production rule is used here (third of the
"windows first"), all others are normal forms. Each production
tests a geometrical constraint on the right hand side objects and
in case of success infers and assesses a new left hand side
object. Primitives must be assessed by the extraction process.
The assessments are important because the search of the
interpreter is mainly assessment driven. Optional top-down
acceleration of the search is possible and recommended. The
search can be terminated either by exhausting all possibilities,
or after a time limit is reached, or when the first target object is
Decision: As result of a search a set of non-primitive instances
has been accumulated. A decision procedure must be defined
selecting from these a single or a small sub-set that can serve as
result e.g. for the next step of the analysis. First one or few
object classes are picked; here these are Row and Lattice
objects. From these first the best object is selected; here the
Lattice instance containing most windows, and among these the
one that is best assessed by the search process, and if there is no
lattice than the best Row instance. All instances similar to this
one are suppressed by local inhibition, and then the next best is
picked, and so forth. Such rank ordering of accumulated
interpretation results follows von Hansen et al. (2006). In the