following Section 3 the best five instances in this rank order are
Images of the temperature on facades in Munich have been
obtained such as displayed in Fig. 1. All the systems are
evaluated on the primitives displayed in Fig.2. There is little
chance in obtaining any usable result with the system
"canonical" system presented in Tab. 1. E.g. most of the
windows are incomplete, and some primitives are badly
displaced. Results of running system 2 and 3 of Table 1 are
given below. The computational effort has been fixed by
stopping the search after the same fixed time. The five best
ranking results are displayed in Figs. 4 and 5.
3.1 Results with the “windows first” system
From the 365 L-primitive instances 291 U-structure, 331
Intersect, 139 Rectangle, 31053 Row, and 0 Lattice objects have
been inferred.
Figure 4 displays a result obtained after searching the data using
the production system that looks for windows by clustering
intersections of nearby orthogonal U-structures. With our
preliminary parameter setting this can find almost all parts of
the salient upper window row (one window in the middle and
one on the right margin missing). Row gestalts are indicated by
yellow rectangles connected by a blue line. The best gestalt
contains nine windows; second best in rank is a four window
row on the right side, where the generator is found with good
precision also, but the window sizes are a little too small. Third
and fourth in rank are coincident with parts of the best, each
containing only six windows.
The middle row of windows appears badly disturbed. The fifth
in rank Row gestalt sees four wide windows there. It guesses a
generator which is in 4/3 harmony with the correct one. This
has got to be regarded as failure. Without knowledge on the
particular form or size of the windows this cannot be avoided.
Looking on the primitives in Figure 3 only even a human
observer would be tempted to see such illusory gestalt. Below,
on the first floor nothing is found. Since neither the generator
nor the window size matches no Lattice object can be
Figure 4. Result with “windows first” productions
3.2 Results with the “L-row first” system
From the 365 L-primitive instances 23381 L-Row, 9422 U-Row,
18864 Row, and 176 Lattice objects have been inferred with the
same computational effort as in Sect. 3.1 — i.e. 300 seconds in
eight parallel threads and resorting the queue after 64
hypotheses, using pure bottom-up data-driven control.
Figure 5. Result with “rows first” productions
Figure 5 displays again the best five resulting instances, two
lattices and three rows. Both lattices contain 2x5 windows and
the vertical spacing is estimated roughly correct. The upper row
alone is less complete than in Section 3.1 (one row of eight
members and one of seven with overlap). But there are also
results with correct generator and window size on the middle
row (one row of five members). Still, the phase of the middle
rows is estimated wrongly; they are all displaced left and a little
upward. Below, on the first floor again nothing is found.
Obviously, such data are not easy to be parsed. But we can state
the following: An object with non-trivial part-of structure —
such as a facade — may be decomposed in different ways using
different kinds of non-terminal objects in between. Here we
have given three different decompositions of facade objects
coded as production systems. It turns out that while the systems
seem equivalent in the generative right-to-left direction — e.g.
for use for fagade rendering - they do not yield the same
behaviour in the reducing direction, i.e. for recognition. In fact
those systems that code natural, common sense decomposition
such as “a facade consists of a stack of rows; each row consists
of windows of equal size; each window consist of an upper and
a lower U-structure matching; and each such U-structure is
made up of two matching L-primitives" won't work for
recognition at all.
If one is determined to use a production system in reducing
direction performing recognition by parsing real data — in
particular data that contain a large portion of additional clutter
primitives and also lots of omissions, such as from thermal
mosaics — the decomposition into non-primitives must be
chosen with care and different possibilities should be tested
including non-intuitive decompositions such as grouping the
primitives into rows first and composing the windows
afterwards simultaneously on all windows of a row.
The presented results strongly depend on the reliability of the
corner detector. A huge number of false and missing detections
of the corners can lead to errors in whole algorithm. Poor
detection rate of the presented method (Figure 4 and Figure 5)
is related to the texture reconstruction techniques, which sticks
many images of a video to one image. In this process small
distortions cannot be avoided. Considering Figure 3 also à
human would have difficulties to recognize windows.
Improving the matching between frames would reduce
distortions and would deliver better results.
The results also depend on the constraints given in the
rightmost column of Table 1. These contain threshold
parameters to be chosen by an expert familiar with the issue.
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