Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

ing instances, two 
| 2x5 windows and 
ect. The upper row 
(one row of eight 
But there are also 
size on the middle 
hase of the middle 
ced left and a little 
ig is found. 
d. But we can state 
part-of structure — 
ifferent ways using 
between. Here we 
of façade objects 
t while the systems 
>ft direction — eg. 
ot yield the same 
recognition. In fact 
nse decomposition 
- each row consists 
ist of an upper and 
uch U-structure is 
won't work for 
ystem in reducing 
ig real data — in 
f additional clutter 
1 as from thermal 
rimitives must be 
; should be tested 
h as grouping the 
ng the windows 
à row. 
e reliability of the 
missing detections 
e algorithm. Poor 
re 4 and Figure 5) 
iques, which sticks 
this process small 
; Figure 3 also à 
ognize windows. 
's would reduce 
nts given in the 
contain threshold 
jar with the issue. 
The systems compared here use of course the same constraints — 
where possible. But some predicates do appear only in one or 
the other variant, and an unskilled setting in one variant might 
lead to an unfair comparison. This can be fixed when all such 
parameters are optimally chosen based on sufficient and 
representative data labelled by experts. 
Minor further dependence of the results may be seen in different 
parameters used in the interpretation search — e.g. the number of 
parallel threads, overall time-limit, or top-down settings. The 
latter is switched off here, in order to improve comparability. 
And the computational effort was chosen large enough so that 
little influence can be assumed. Experience shows that also the 
setting of the parameters of the decision step is of little 
influence to the result. 
4.1 Outlook 
More experiments are needed, in particular also regarding row 
(and lattice) grouping according to the constant double ratio 
principle of pinhole projection. This could be performed on the 
original images, avoiding any re-sampling. Hopefully the 
displacement problems are not so bad in that case. 
Missing detections might be treated by extrapolation. That is by 
prolonging the best gestalts and thus generating hypotheses 
about the position and sizes of the windows with high precision. 
Then an appearance model can be averaged from the gray 
values found at the known positions and matched with the 
values found at hypothesis locations. 
The a vertical constraint demanding that window columns 
should also be vertically grouped may be added, fostering 
acceptable results on difficult data, such as here in the middle 
row. And the interpreter is too slow. There should be ways of 
improving it by hash techniques etc. 
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