Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

captured with an 
It covers the entire 
based image cloud 
he ADS, i.e. nadir/ 
ie results of which 
n section 4.1. RGB 
nfo cloud based on 
ed info cloud from 
wn in Figure 5. 
tol (Figure 5, bot- 
g edges, with only 
dow areas next to 
rrectly covered by 
hallenging for our 
| general (cp., e.g., 
ls and below trees 
a, consists of three 
> stereo overlap is 
Geosystems for the 
Info cloud results 
gure 6. 
om RCD30 data in 
Compared to the ADS result (Figure 5), the RCD30 TIN shown 
in Figure 6, bottom, shows a higher noise level, on both the 
paved ground and roof areas. This is due to the fact that there is 
no redundant stereo coverage in this area, which would allow 
for consistency checks, noise reduction and gap filling. Gaps 
due to occlusions cause inclined rather than vertical TIN mesh- 
es, visible at some building walls. However, such issues could 
easily be addressed with a flight configuration that provides 
more image overlap, e.g. 80%. Aside from that, the building 
edge representation is correct and small details are very well 
Figure 7: RGB colored info cloud of a DMC-II 140 stereo over- 
lap in Aalen, Germany (top); TIN view of the Z/I Imaging buil- 
ding (center); and enlarged info cloud of cars parked in front of 
that building to illustrate the high point density (bottom). 
5.3 Aalen (DMC-II 140) 
A high-resolution block of the town of Aalen, Germany, was 
used for SGM verification for the DMC-II. The image overlap 
is approximately 60% along strip and 20% across strip, which 
means most areas are covered by one stereo pair and, accor- 
dingly, in a single info cloud only. An example result is shown 
in Figure 7. 
Based on the GSD of 5 cm, the SGM-derived info cloud fea- 
tures more than 300 points/m? and, accordingly, contains a lot 
of detail — such as street lamps (Figure 7, center) —, which is 
especially visible when zooming all the way to the individual 
point level for the cars parked in front of the Z/I Imaging buil- 
ding (Figure 7, bottom). Similar to the RCD30 example dis- 
cussed above, additional stereo coverage could be expected to 
reduce noise and fill gaps, e.g. at the back of the van on the left. 
Figure 8: Comparison of RGB (top) and FCIR (bottom) info 
clouds in a forest area in Georgian Bay, Canada. 

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