Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
H. Takeda * *, Y. Akamatsu *, Y. Minami* 
“ KOKUSAI KOGYO CO.,LTD, R&D Division, 2-24-1 Harumi-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo 183-0057 JAPAN 
htake@kkc.co.jp , {yukio_akamatsu , yoshihiko_minami} @kk-grp.jp 
Commission III, WG III/4 
KEY WORDS: 3D city model, multi-image matching, rectification, object-space searching, building wall, multi-view images 
In recent years, the social situation in cities has changed significantly such as redevelopment due to the massive earthquake and 
large-scale urban development. For example, numerical simulations can be used to study this phenomenon. Such simulations require 
the construction of high-definition three-dimensional city models that accurately reflect the real world. Progress in sensor 
technology allows us to easily obtain multi-view images. However, the existing multi-image matching techniques are inadequate. In 
this paper, we propose a new technique for multi-image matching. Since the existing method of feature searching is complicated, we 
have developed a rectification method that can be processed independently for each image does not depend on the stereo-pair. The 
object-space searching method that produces mismatches due to the occlusion or distortion of wall textures on images is the focus of 
our study. Our proposed technique can also match the building wall surface. The proposed technique has several advantages, and its 
usefulness is clarified through an experiment using actual images. 
In recent years, the social situation in cities has changed 
significantly such as redevelopment due to the massive 
earthquake and large-scale urban development. For example, 
cities are plagued by complex environmental problems such as 
urban heat island and are required to formulate disaster 
prevention methods such as anti-earthquake procedures; it is 
becoming extremely difficult to investigate the causes of these 
problems. One of the solutions to describe environmental 
problems is the use of numerical simulations. However, to 
create detailed numerical simulations of urban space, it is 
necessary to construct a wide-area, high-definition, three- 
dimensional (3D) city model. Although the demand for spatial 
information, including 3D maps and city models, has increased, 
it still largely depends on manual plotting. On the other hand, 
sensing devices using aerial surveying cameras have evolved 
significantly over the past ten years. Because of digital 
photography, developing a film has become unnecessary. 
Furthermore, the bundle-adjustment process has become 
unnecessary or has been simplified by the evolution of the 
gyroscope sensor. As technology advances, photographic 
processes are reduced and highly overlapped multi-view images 
can be obtained easily at a low cost and with less labor. It 
appears there are many advantages to using multi-view images 
for multi-image matching. However, many aspects are not 
covered by the current multi-matching methods. In this research, 
we aim to develop a multi-image matching method that can 
efficiently build an exact 3D city model with consistent quality. 
In the field of spatial-data modeling, a quality 3D city model 
requires not only the reality of expression, such as computer 
graphics, but also efficiency in data processing and accuracy in 
position measurement. The following issues are of concern in 
existing multi-image matching techniques. 
* Corresponding author. 
[Issue #1] The multi-ray method is complicated in its 
calculation process, which requires feature searching with 
alignment along the viewing direction in the 3D coordinate 
system based on camera position. We propose an improvement 
in efficiency. 
[Issue #2] In case of the edge matching process, the extraction 
of line segments on a roof footprint is difficult because an aerial 
image of a real-world scene has complicated edge features in 
addition to the true building footprint. We propose an 
improvement in stable processing. 
[Issue #3] In the case of image template matching, mismatching 
occurs due to occlusion where one image of an image pair is 
invisible, or there is distortion in the aerial image caused by the 
presence of a wall texture or other elements. We propose an 
improvement in accuracy. 
We developed an algorithm for the extraction of building walls 
using the proposed technique of independent rectification. This 
technique can extract the candidate line segments of a 
building’s footprint, which consists of the top horizontal edge 
of the building wall, using direction-limited edge matching in 
the object space. In this paper, we demonstrate the 
improvements made to the system, which in addition to the 
building wall includes extracting the rooftop and the ground- 
level area beside the wall. The data-processing flowchart of the 
proposed technique is shown in Figure 1. 
3.1 Generation using independent rectification 
The conceptual diagram shown in Figure 2 indicates the method 
for the independent rectification image (IR image) generated by 
the independent rectification method (called IR method in this 
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