Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
"Rakesh Dwivedi*" ,*Anil Kumar, S. K. Ghosh? , P. S. Roy? 
"Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India 
"Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun, India 
KEYWORDS: Fuzzy c-Mean (FCM), Possiblistic c-Mean (PCM), Noise clustering (NC), Sub pixel confusion uncertainty 
matrix (SCM) 
Classification of satellite images are complex process and accuracy of the output is dependent on classifier parameters. This paper 
examines the effect of various parameters like weighted exponent *m' for FCM , PCM classifiers and weighted exponent *m' as well 
as fixed parameter *?' for NC without entropy based algorithm. The prime focus in this work is to select suitable parameters for 
classification of remotely sensed data which improves the accuracy of classification output. The uncertainty criterion has been 
estimated from sub-pixel confusion uncertainty matrix (SCM), based on classified and testing outputs. Therefore, these criterions are 
dependent on the error of the results and sensitive to error variations. So it has also been tried to estimate entropy, based on outputs 
generated by various classifiers like FCM, PCM and NC without entropy based classifier, hence this computed entropy is sensitive to 
uncertainty variations. The AWIFS and LISS-III datasets are being used for classification and testing respectively. Soft classified 
outputs from FCM, PCM and NC without entropy classifiers for AWiFS and LISS-III have been evaluated using SCM, overall 
accuracy, fuzzy kappa coefficient and entropy. The SCM and fuzzy kappa coefficients are used to major relative accuracies, while 
entropy is an absolute uncertainty indicator. From resultant aspect, while monitoring entropy of fraction images for different 
regularizing parameter values, optimum regularizing parameter has been obtained for ‘m’=2.0 and (2=1, which gives highest 
accuracy from sub-pixel confusion uncertainty matrix (SCM) i.e. 96.27% and AWiFS entropy has been 0.71 using noise clustering 
without entropy based classifier. 
A traditional hard classification technique of satellite data does 
not take into account gradual spatial variation in land cover 
classes. To incorporate the gradual boundary change problem 
researchers had proposed the ‘soft’ classification techniques 
that decompose the pixel into class proportions (Fisher, 1997). 
Fuzzy classification is a soft classification technique (Binaghi 
and Rampini 1993), which deals with vagueness in class 
definition (Foody et al. 1996). Therefore it can model the 
gradual spatial transition between land cover classes. Fuzzy c- 
Means (FCM) (Bezdek, et al, 1980; Ehrlich et al, 1984., 
Bezdek et al, 1987) is an unsupervised clustering algorithm 
which has been widely used to find fuzzy membership grades 
between 0 and 1. The aim of FCM is to find cluster centres in 
the feature space such that it minimizes the intra-class variation 
and maximizes the inter-class distances using an objective 
function. Standard FCM algorithm considers the spectral 
characteristics. Fuzzy  c-Means supervised classification 
algorithm has been widely used to classify satellite images with 
ambiguous land cover classes. It is a popular fuzzy set theory 
based soft classifier, which handles the vagueness of a pixel at 
sub-pixel level. FCM has been successful in assigning the 
membership (uj) of a pixel to multiple classes but this 
assignment is relative to total number of classes defined and not 
absolute (Krishnapuram and Keller, 1993, Foody 2000). This is 
due to the constraint imposed on the membership values as 
given by the Eq. (1) 
Yu-h foralli (1) 
The main motivation behind Possibilistic c-Means (PCM) 
relates to the relaxaction of the constraint on membership value 
in (1) and gives absolute membership value, as stated by Eq. (2) 
max, u, >0 forall j (2) 
In case of PCM, this membership value represents the “degree 
of belongingness or compatibility or typicality", contrary to that 
represented by FCM, where it is, “degree of sharing”. An 
important aspect in classification is the presence of noise, which 
: Corresponding author. 
may have been introduced at any stage of data collection and 
transmission. This affects the performance of any classification 
algorithm. Literature reveals that a good solution to this 
problem does not exist. An ideal solution would be one where 
the noise points get automatically identified and removed from 
the data. A concept of "Noise Cluster" can be introduced such 
that noisy data points may be assigned to the noise class. The 
approach is developed for an objective functional type (K- 
means or fuzzy K-means) algorithm, and its ability to detect 
'good' clusters amongst noisy data has been aptly demonstrated 
by (Dave, 1991). The approach is applicable to both fuzzy 
supervised classification algorithms as well as regression based 
methods. In supervised classification, validity plays a pivotal 
role in achieving a robust classification because without the 
concept of validity, it is neither possible to separate the good 
points from the noise points and outliers nor access the quality 
of the solution. The solution to the robust clustering problem 
requires that the algorithm reject noise data before it computes 
the parameter estimates (Dave and Krishnapuram, 1997). 
The purpose of study of noise clustering without entropy is not 
only to establish a connection between fuzzy set theory and 
robust statistics, but also to discuss and compare several 
popular clustering methods from the point of view of robustness 
(Dave, 1990; Foody et al. 1995). The aim of this paper is to 
study the behaviour of associated parameters of FCM, PCM 
and noise clustering without entropy with respect to fuzzy 
accuracy assessment parameters and entropy as uncertainty 
indicator. In the next section, the details of parameters 
considered in FCM, PCM and noise clustering without entropy 
are provided. 
2.1 Fuzzy c-Means Approach (FCM) 
Fuzzy c-Means (FCM) was originally introduced by Bezdek 
(1981). In this supervised classification technique each data 
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