Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

ar IX -v s(X,-v,) A(X,-v,) 
V; = Mean vector for each class 
2.4 Accuracy Assessment Approach 
Silván-Cárdenas and Wang, (2007) developed theoretical 
grounds, for a more general accuracy assessment of soft 
classifications, which account for the soft class distribution 
In formal grounds, one requires the agreement-disagreement 
measure to conform Eq. (16), where A and D denote agreement 
: ; S F 
and disagreement operators respectively, where '"* and ^" 
denote the over and underestimation errors at pixel n in Eq (16). 
A(s. ru) ifk=1 (16) 
D(s iu) ifk zl 
Sy = Sy, — Min (5,5) 
Vr = Hu - min (s, 7) 
Practically, it is convenient to express each confusion interval 
in the form PB, £U,, where Py and Uy, are the interval center 
and the interval half-width, respectively. These are computed as 
indicated by Eq.(17) and (18), respectively. The general 
structure of SCM is provided in Silvan-Cardenes and Wang 
(2007). With the availability of IRS-P6 satellite data it is 
possible to acquire spectrally same and spatial different data 
sets of same area with same acquisition time. Due to the 
uniqueness of availability of these data sets, soft fraction images 
generated from coarser resolution data set (e.g. AWIFS, IRS- 
P6) can be evaluated from fraction images generated from finer 
resolution data sets (e.g. LISS-III, IRS-P6) as reference data set 
acquired at same time. 
For the uncertainty visualization and evaluation of the 
classification results, the entropy criterion is proposed. This 
measure AI SS by the following Eq.(17): 
Entropy(x) = Y. (s log =[.(#)) (17) 
For high uncertainty, the calculated entropy (Eq. (17)) is high 
and inverse. Therefore this criterion can visualize the pure 
uncertainty of the classification results. 
The study area for the present research work belongs to 
Sitarganj Tehsil, Udham Singh Nagar District, Uttarakhand, 
India. It is located in the southern part of the state. In terms of 
geographic  latitude/longitude, the area extends from 
28?52'29"N to 28?54'20"N and 79?34'25"E to 79?36'34"E. 
The area consists of agricultural farms with sugarcane and 
paddy as one of the few major crops with two reservoirs 
namely, Dhora and Bhagul reservoir. The images for this 
research work have been taken from two different sensors 
namely AWIFS and LISS-III belonging to satellite IRS-P6 as 
shown in Figure 2.The AWIFS dataset used here for 
classification and LISS III for referencing purposes. 
Two datasets (AWIFS, and LISS-III) were geometrically 
corrected with RMSE less than 1/3 of a pixel and resampled 
using nearest neighbour resample method at 60m, and 20m 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
spatial resolution respectively to maintain the correspondence 
of a AWIFS pixel with specific number of LISS-III pixels (here 
9 pixels of LISS-IIL, corresponding to one pixel of AWIFS) 
with respect to sampling during accuracy assessment. The flow 
chart of the methodology adopted is shown in Fig. 1. The six 
classes of interest, namely deciduous forest, eucalyptus 
plantation, water bodies, agriculture with crop, agriculture 
without crop, and moist agriculture without crop have been 
taken for this study work. Training data was collected with the 
help of field data and testing was conducted while taking 100 
samples per class and total 600 samples randomly selected. 
In first part of this research work it has been tried to find out the 
optimum value of weighting exponent *m' for FCM and PCM 
classifiers after that performed the experimentation on noise 
clustering without entropy based classifier where it has tried to 
find out the optimum value of regularizing parameter (?) with 
respect to fuzzy overall accuracy and fuzzy kappa coefficient. 
The range of regularizing parameter has been taken from 1 to 
40 with the interval of 10, and the values of weighting exponent 
is varying from 1.4 to 3.2, fuzzy overall accuracy, fuzzy kappa 
coefficient and uncertainty in accuracy parameters have been 
estimated for different LISS-III and AWIFS data sets. It has 
been observed that as regularizing parameter increases, fuzzy 
overall accuracy as well as fuzzy kappa coefficient also 
increases as shown in Fig. 3 and 5. But it has also observed that 
uncertainty in fuzzy overall also increases in a given Fig. 4 and 
6. So, it was important to decide what should be the appropriate 
regularizing parameter value to be used in noise clustering 
without entropy based fuzzy classifier. 
. Coarse Resolution 
|  MXDaa 
_ Pre-process | 
Classification Expérimentes v 
| a)FCMClassifier z T 
Db)POMChsifier — — 
€) Noise Clustering without Entropy : 
Image to image accuracy 
Fig. 2: Location of study area 

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