Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

3d point generation which show a sufficient number of 
homologue points and a big stereo base within the sequence. As 
only small parts of a building facade are visible within one 
image, a direct matching of edges extracted from the images and 
a given building model cannot be performed directly. An 
example of a recorded sequence is shown in figure 1. The 
position of the camera was recorded with GPS and, for quality 
measurements from tachymeter measurements from ground 
control points. 
Figure 1. Example images from one sequence along a building. 
3.1 Feature Tracking 
In a first observation, the number of features per image and the 
number of images in a sequence a feature can be tracked is 
investigated. Figure 2 shows an image of a sequence with SIFT 
features detected in two images and the movement of the 
features from the first image to the second. 
Figure 2. IR image with selected SIFT features, that have 
correspondences in the following image. Arrows show the 
moving direction of the points and numer of pixels they move. 
For small distances between the images, Foestner points and 
SIFT features show almost the same number of homologous 
points in two images. With a bigger distance of the images, the 
number of homologous points from Foerstner points decreases 
faster than the number of homologous points from SIFT 
features. For sequences of several images, this decrease is much 
smaller but also shows a better performance for SIFT features. 
Table 1 shows the decrease of the mean number of homologous 
points with the distance of images in the sequences. For 
comparison reasons the number of features for the first image 
was set to 100 for both feature detectors. For selected 
sequences, the features have been tracked manually to see the 
decreasing number of features due to features running out of the 
Distance in frames / 1/ 10/ 50 / 200 / 
seconds 0.02 0.2 1.0 4.0 
Manually tracked 100 916 1832. 1517 
Foerstner point single pair | 99.5 89.7 | 47.5 (243 
SIFT feature single pair 99.4 89.8 | 614 | 385 
Foerstner points with 10 | 99.5 89:7 155.8 1 343 
frames distance step 
SIFT features with 10 | 99.4 89.8 | 645 | 42.4 
frames distance step 
Table 1. Decrease of the mean number of homologous points 
with the distance of the images for Foerstner points and SIFT 
features in the sequences. 
3.2 Orientation of Image Sequences 
The homologous points are used for the calucaltion of trifocal 
tensors as introduced by Mayer (2007). The bundle adjustment 
is additionally given the obervations of the position of the 
camera of every image. The resulting oriented image sequence 
is used to derive 3d coordinates of the homologous points. The 
generated 3d point cloud of the SIFT features and the estimated 
camera position for every image of the sequence can be seen in 
figure 3. The structure of the facades is already visible. Most of 
the points are located in the edges of the windows and grouped 
in lines. The variance analysis of the bundle adjustment of the 
relative orientation of the image sequences shows smaller errors 
for SIFT features compared to Foerstner points due to the weak 
edges in IR images and mismatches in window regions for 
Foerstner points. 
Figure 3. Point cloud of one image sequence along a group of 
facades. The squares are representing the estimated camera 
3.3 Matching with the building model 
The 3d point cloud generated in the image sequence orientation 
step is now matched with the given building model (Fig. 4). A 
grouping of the points is done before the matching to remove 
non façade and wrong points ie. of trees. The local 
neighborhood of every point is analyzed to derive an estimated 
plane the point is on and its normal. Every point is assigned to 
the surface with the smallest distance and similar normal 
direction. Points with a distance or normal direction that differs 
beyond a threshold for all facades are rejected. The remaining 
points are now used for the least squares matching with the 
facades of the building model. 

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