Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

KIX-B3, 2012 
; number of objects 
e apply a Tracking- 
rests build a strong 
omized Forests can 
aining samples can 
f the automatically 
metrics we analyse 
s. We evaluate the 
problem of estab- 
bject and unassoci- 
domain. Common 
n include the near- 
sentation and a set 
representations in- 
atives in 2D image 
based information. 
w unambiguous as- 
ig crowds. In com- 
fication of a target 
arance models are 
aniciu et al. (2003) 
vhich was adopted 
orporated adaptiv- 
:ract the impact of 
in illumination and 
ntations are, how- 
the geometric re- 
tely. More recent 
Avidan (2005) and 
ing classifier learnt 
est from the back- 
at strategy for mul- 
] instance specific 
'ach individual tar- 
1d evaluated on the 
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'orests. Variants of 
n time-critical ap- 
tit and Fua, 2006), 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
SLAM (Ozuysal et al., 2010), and single-instance tracking (Saf- 
fari et al., 2009). The latter work suggests the use of Random 
Forests in an on-line learning framework. It has been shown that 
the classifier may be learnt incrementally with results compara- 
ble to offline training. Using Random Forests in opposition to 
boosting has various advantages. On one hand, they are able to 
learn multiple classes within each single instance of a tree, on the 
other they are more robust against label noise, ie. single mis- 
associations vanish in the abundance of trees. 
The remainder of the paper is divided in sections about the clas- 
sification strategy (Section 3) and the application to data associ- 
ation (Section 4). We present experimental results in Section 5 
and conclude in 6. 
For data association we apply a classification strategy that mod- 
els a tracked person as an individual class. We apply a variant 
of Randomized Forests, which selects both variable index and 
split variables ramdomly, thus referred to as Extremely Random- 
ized Forest (ERF). In the following, we explain the principles of 
Randomized Forests and our strategy for using them as instance 
specific classifier. 
3.1 Randomized Forests 
Randomized Forests are ensembles of binary decision trees, each 
of which is grown upon a different subset of the given training 
data. Each node in a tree is appointed with a test function that 
consists of an index pointing to an element of the feature vector 
and a threshold which decides for the left or right propagation of a 
sample passed through the tree. The test function is chosen as the 
one that, according to a quality measurement, scores best among a 
randomly generated set of test functions with respect to the index. 
If also the threshold is chosen at random, the Random Forest is 
referred to as Extremely Random Forest (Geurts et al., 2006). 
For our work we employed the Online-Random Forests (ORF) 
of Saffari et al. (2009), where extremely randomised trees are 
used for online learning. Each leaf node in a tree stores the class 
conditional probability density of all samples that have reached 
that leaf either during offline-training or in the update-phase of 
online learning. A node decides to split, if a purity constraint is 
broken, given that an adequate number of samples has been seen 
so far and a maximum depth is not yet reached. For classification, 
a sample s is passed through each tree ¢ out of all T trees in the 
forest and obtains the probability p;(k|s) of class k € Y that 
is stored in the leaf node the sample reaches. The classification 
result over all of the trees in the forest amounts to the normalised 
sum of probabilities, 
p(kls) = 7 pelkls) 
Class assignment is then finding the maximum of (1) among all 
available classes in Y': 
C(s) = arg max p(k|s) Q) 
Adaptivity of the classifier to changing appearance of the targets 
is given by the ability of the ORF to discard entire trees. As crite- 
rion for discarding a tree, the Out-Of-Bag-Error (OO B E:) esti- 
mate can be assessed using the fact that some trees are not being 
trained on the entire training data due to the Poisson process of 
on-line bagging (bootstrap aggregating), see Saffari et al. (2009) 
and Oza and Russell (2001) for details. 
Figure 1: Regions based on a detection that are used for training, 
relative to a detection (white region indicates foreground region 
belonging to the detected object) in the image domain. 
3.2 Generation of the Feature Vector 
For every sample features are calculated from the hue, saturation 
and intensity (HSI) values of all foreground pixels inside the re- 
gion given by a detection. Since changes in the articulation of 
body parts reflect in the distribution of HSI values inside the de- 
tected region, we strive to compensate that effect by calculating 
mean values of HSI as features row-wise. We argue that the aver- 
aging is reasonable, since the variance of a person’s appearance 
along a horizontal line is negligible and articulation mainly af- 
fects the distribution of HSI values column-wise. The feature 
vector is resized to 100 entries per channel, i.e. to 300 elements 
per sample. The elements of the feature vector are mean centered 
and normalised to a standard deviation of one. 
3.3 Training and Updating 
The purpose of the classifier for data association is to gather 
knowledge about the appearance of a tracked object, in order to 
assess the similarity when applied to a detection. The classifier is 
hence designed to learn one specific class for each object being 
actively tracked, and one rejection class, which enables the ne- 
glection of an association. If a detection has been triggered by a 
target for which a class already exists, the response of the classi- 
fier when tested on that detection should be high for that class. If 
the detection stems from a target that has not been trained yet, the 
distribution of class responses should be flat. The feature vectors 
are calculated from regions inside the detection windows. If a 
new object class is introduced, an additional set of six samples is 
derived from the original position of the detection. Four samples 
are calculated by shifting the detection by one pixel column- and 
linewise, and two features are calculated from resizing the de- 
tected region by plus/minus one pixel. The additional samples 
make the classifier more robust against the localisation uncer- 
tainty of the detector and allow the Forest to apply bagging from 
a pool of different features. We also train a rejection class that al- 
lows the omission of an association if the rejection class obtains 
the maximum likelihood. The green rectangle in Figure 1 marks 
an original detection, as represented by the white foreground re- 
gion, which is used for extracting negative samples by shifting 
(red rectangles). The rejection class is trained on four adjacent 
regions that are defined in the neighbourhood of the detection, 
aligned as depicted by the configuration of the red rectangles in 
Figure 1. 
If a new tracking object is initialised or if one is finished (see 
Section 4.3), the forest is trained from the beginning. This re- 
quires considerable computational effort but is reasonable, as the 

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