sh hour and confirmed
mplex situations, The
ion is consisted of two
5), set about one meter
> rate is set at 75
stereo synchronization
as taken from a point
y (figure 5).
Platform #1
South Exit
me initial values and
of particles as N=500.
| position of people
z). The size of the
[m] and d=0.3[m]
the initial velocity of
system model, we set
r some trials. Finally
id ground coordinate
frames). During this
al are to be tracked.
proposed method by
tained from tracking
ge. As a result, we
and 40 people of 44
1 by system model
Success £ of
SS person
tracked to the
ticket gate
40 / 44
; in the image show
king. The numbers
Jue number given to
> tracked person.
Frame #35
iud. A 5 Frame #40
Figure 7. Results
We confirm that under the situation without occlusion and
proximity between people or people and object, tracking
succeeded in almost all frames. In addition, in situations
involving a speed change, occlusion, proximity, avoidance
behavior and direction change at around the gate, success rate
stays at a high level. For example, two people shown as an oval
of red and blue on figure 7 are successfully tracked under the
condition that they are changing the direction and avoiding the
collision near the ticket gate.
Although the effectiveness of the proposed method has been
shown from the results above, some points to be improved
remain for more accurate tracking. For example, by introducing
the interaction between person and object to system model, the
accuracy when people pass through the ticket gate may improve.
In addition, considering the interaction with the person beside
and behind or minimum distance between people in system
model would bring a more robust tracking.
5.3 Comparison with Other System Model
To verify the effectiveness of the proposed model, we use other
System models and compare tracking results. Two cases are
experimented: (a) system model with noise term only (v,.,-0 in
equation (5)) and (b) system model with destination term (use
term (b) in equation (4) and destinations are set manually). In
case of (a), success rate dropped to 53% and the number of
people tracked to the ticket gate to 35. This shows that
integration of pedestrian behavior model with tracking method
Is meaningful. In the same way, in case of (b), the result is 66%
and 28 people. Failure cases are mainly caused by direction
change at the ticket gate, for the direction choice around there is
not necessarily the same as the final destination (table 6).
5.4 Acquisition of Passenger Flow
We can get passenger flow information by projecting the
tracking result to the ground floor. Figure 8 shows a part of the
acquired passenger flow. From this flow information, we try to
get passenger’s ticket gate choice automatically. This data are
more useful than simple cross-sectional data because each
passenger’s origin is related to the choice of the ticket gate. The
result is shown in table 9. Compared with the data acquired
manually, 37 of 42 people’s choices are successfully obtained.
Another example shown in table 10 is OD data. 26 of 39
person's OD data are correctly acquired. From this result we can
grasp the general tendency like the flow between south exit and
platform 2 is at a high level. In this way, the proposed method
increases the possibility to acquire detail flow data of the
individuals. It is expected that comprehension of people’s
behavior using this flow data leads to more sophisticated and
precise flow control and facility design.
5.5 Integration with Detection Method
We try to expand the method to achieve the long time tracking,
integrating a detection method of people entering the image,
instead of setting it manually. After person is detected at time f,
we assume a probability distribution p(x,) and forecast the state
X,+1 by system model with noise term only. Then we filter x;