Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
G. Scarmana 
University of Southern Queensland, Australia 
Faculty of Engineering and Surveying 
Commission III/5 
KEY WORDS: Image processing, Image compression, Image contours, Image reconstruction 
This paper relates to the reconstruction of digital images using their contour representations. The process involves determining the 
pixel intensity value which would exist at the intersections of a regular grid using the nodes of randomly spaced contour locations. 
The reconstruction of digital images from their contour maps may also be used as a tool for image compression. This reconstruction 
process may provide for more accurate results and improved visual details than existing compressed versions of the same image, 
while requiring similar memory space for storage and speed of transmission over digital links. 
For the class of images investigated in this work, the contour approach to image reconstruction and compression requires contour 
data to be filtered and eliminated from the reconstruction process. Statistical tests which validate the proposed process conclude this 
An important area of digital image processing is the 
segmentation of an image into various regions to separate the 
objects from the background. Image segmentation can be 
categorised by three methods. 
The first method is based upon a technique called image 
thresholding (Russ, 2007), which uses predetermined grey 
levels as decision criteria to separate an image into different 
regions based on the grey levels of the pixels. The second 
method uses the discontinuities between grey levels regions to 
detect edges within an image (Baxes, 1994). Edges play a very 
important role in the extraction of features (and their 
dimensions) for object recognition and identification in image 
analysis operations (Gonzalez and Wood, 2008). The final 
method relates to detecting edges so as to separate an image into 
several different regions by way of grouping pixels that have the 
same grey levels. 
Since edges play an important role in the recognition of objects 
within an image, contour description methods have been 
developed that completely describe an object based upon its 
contour. The most common methods are (a) a method based 
upon a coding scheme called chain codes, (b) the use of higher 
order polynomials to fit a smooth curve to an object's contour, 
and (c) the use of Fourier transform and its coefficients to 
describe the coordinates of an object's contour (Russ, 2007). 
Apart from image analysis operations, edges and contours have 
been used for image editing (Elder and Goldberg, 2001) and 
image compression applications. For instance, Elder and Zucker 
(1998) proposed a novel image compression scheme based on 
edge detection techniques where only edge and blur data rather 
than the entire image is sent over a digital link. This 
compression technique is especially appealing because edge 
density is linear in image size, so larger images will have higher 
compression ratios. The argument is that for natural images, 
most scenes are relatively smooth in areas between edges, while 
large discontinuities occur at edge locations. Thus, much of the 
information between edges may be redundant and subject to 
increased compression. The work of Elder and Zucker proposes 
two necessary quantities: the intensity at edge locations in the 
image and an estimate of the blur at those locations. Using these 
quantities, it is possible to reconstruct an image perceptually 
similar to the original. 
On the other hand, Vasilyev (1999) proposed a method for 
compressing astronomical images based on simultaneous edge 
detection of the image content with subsequent converting of 
the edges to a compact chained bit-flow. Vasilyev combined 
this approach with other compression schemes, for example, 
Huffman coding or arithmetic coding, thus providing for 
lossless compression schemes comparable to present 
compression protocols such as JPEG. 
The proposed reconstruction process uses image contour 
detection rather than edge detection. The definition of contour 
used in this work relates to the term used in cartography and 
surveying where a contour line joins points of equal elevation 
(height) above a given reference level (Smith et al. 2009). 
In this context, the pixel values stored in an image can be 
considered as the values of some variable z where each pixel 
can be assumed as an elevation value z at its x and y 
coordinates, thus defining a 3D shape (Weeks, 1996). This 
shape is often a complex 3D surface that can be represented by 
scattered contours nodes where each node (or vertex) of a given 
contour also corresponds to a position (x,y) having a constant 
colour intensity or elevation z. 
For the class of grey-scale images investigated in this work (i.e. 
human faces, landscapes and relatively small aerial images) this 
reference level and the contour intervals (or contour increments) 
are selected based on the dynamic range and/or on the image 
histograms. Image histograms provide a convenient, easy-to- 
read graph of the concentration of pixels versus the pixel 
brightness in an image. Using this graph it is possible to discern 

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