Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

e XXXIX-B3, 2012 
1 the number of nodes or 
se data storage and 
0 represent the contours 
nt however, to maintain 
ortant features such ag 
st real world cases, an 
1 little direction changes 
à lot of direction change 
pproach, referred to as 
'entation (Baxes, 1994) 
ntour segments changes 
hroughout the contour 
to remove nodes from 
segments and replaces 
portions of the contour 
lable number of contour 
ient, depending on how 
t are eliminated during 
ed in the reconstruction 
contour will not unduly 
1 thereby nodes) where 
le. The implementation 
ut by first performing a 
g line segment lengths 
ain the contour details 
ning line segments are 
are similar or identical, 
to create a single line 
ngth and overall angle 
S a contour segment 
/ more concise, while 
gions of little change 
| variable line segment 
segments with similar 
| removing redundant 
s to compare the area 
nd longest distance to 
[hese parameters may 
" deciding whether a 
o another and thereby 
lose nested contours it 
des by removing the 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
middle contour and interpolate and/or diffuse between the other 
two. However, this process may have the disadvantage of 
smoothing and/or distorting particular high frequency (sudden 
changes of brightness values within an image) information 
necessary for a more accurate reconstruction of the original 
For easy extraction, processing and transmission over a digital 
link, the contours data was encoded and saved in an ASCII file 
(ie. txt). This file contains a two-row matrix where each 
contour line defined in the matrix begins with a column that 
defines the value of the contour line and the number of (x,y) 
vertices in the contour line. 
The remaining columns contain the data for the (x,y) pairs. The 
x, y values are stored to the first decimal place and separated by 
a point. In the coding shown below 120 is the grey-scale 
intensity of a selected contour and the contour line is formed by 
7 vertices. The x coordinate of the vertices are in the top row 
(ie. 18.2 17.2...14.7) whereas the corresponding y coordinates 
are placed in the bottom row (i.e. 110 109...93.2) 
120 182 17.2 17 17.3 17.115.7 14.7 
7 110109 108 99.5 97 95 032 
Additional tests are presently being undertaken to ascertain the 
use of binary files (as compared to ASCII .txt file) as a way to 
further reduce memory requirements and speed of transmission 
of contour data. 
In this gridding process contours nodes are projected or mapped 
on a uniformly spaced grid. Depending on the final resolution 
required, this grid may be selected so as to create pixels in x and 
y corresponding to the original input image. To determine the 
pixel brightness which would exist at the intersections of a 
regular grid using randomly spaced 3D node locations, several 
interpolators may be used depending on the application and 
accuracy requirements. 
There exist several interpolation schemes available for this task. 
Estimations of nearly all spatial interpolation methods can be 
represented as weighted averages of sampled data (De Jong and 
van der Meer, 2004). They all share the same general estimation 
formula as shown in equation 1: 
a ^ 4 , 1 
£3) 8 A(x) an 
Where Z is the estimated value of an attribute at the point of 
interest xo, z is the observed value at the sampled point x;, 4; is 
the weight assigned to the sampled point, and n represents the 
number of sampled points used for the estimation (Webster and 
Oliver, 2001). 
In this work the interpolation process is an estimation process 
which determines the pixel brightness which would exist on the 
intersections of a regular grid using the randomly spaced nodes 
of contours. Several local interpolators may be used depending 
on the application and accuracy requirements. The method used 
in this work is referred to as cubic splines. A brief explanation 
The splines consist of polynomials with each polynomial of 
degree n being local rather than global. The polynomials 
describe pieces of a line or surface (i.e. they are fitted to a small 
number of data points exactly) and are fitted together so that 
they join smoothly (Burrough and McDonnell, 1998; Webster 
and Oliver, 2001). The places where the pieces join are called 
knots. The choice of knots is arbitrary and may have an 
important impact on the estimation (Burrough and McDonnell, 
1998). For degree n — 1, 2, or 3, a spline is called linear, 
quadratic or cubic respectively. 
In the ensuing tests, cubic splines were selected as they are very 
useful for modeling arbitrary functions (Venables and Ripley, 
2002) and are used extensively in computer graphics for free 
form curves and surfaces representation (Akima, 1996). 
Table 1 shows the results of a first test aimed at determining the 
degree of accuracy and memory storage requirements to be 
expected when reproducing a digital image from scattered 
contour nodes. The figures are based on the Peter.tif (400?) in 
Figure l(a) The R.M.S. (Spiegel and Stephens, 1999) is 
random standard error of the differences of grey-scale values 
between the original Peter.tif and the same image reconstructed 
using the nodes for contour increments ranging between 2 and 
The figures in Table 1 show a linear degradation of the R.M.S. 
as the contour interval is increased. The table also illustrates the 
amount of memory required to store the contour nodes needed 
for the reconstruction of Peter. As expected, as the contour 
interval increases, the memory requirement decreases at the 
expense of image quality. 
Contour Accuracy Memory Maximum | Minimum 
increments | R.M.S. required difference | difference 
2 2.7 0.051 Mb 5 7 
4 6.3 0.042 Mb 17 27 
6 9.8 0.033 Mb 33 30 
8 19.4 0.021 Mb 39 42 
Table 1. Accuracy and memory requirements needed to 
reconstruct the original image of the Peter using contour 
increments between 2 and 8 grey-scale intensity values. 
By way of comparison, the .txt file needed to store the x and y 
coordinates of the nodes necessary to reproduce Peter (for 
contour increment of 6 grey-scale values) used approximately 
the same amount of memory of a JPEG compressed (0.029 Mb) 
version of the same image for a compression ratio of 7:1, while 
reproducing a more accurate image with improved visual details 
(see Figure 3). 
In Figure 3, the difference in visual quality between Peter 
reconstructed with contour data (Figure 3(c)) and the 
corresponding JPEG image (Figure 3(b)) is evident. Indeed, the 
blocking effects, typical of a lossy JPEG protocol, were almost 
completely eliminated. 
In addition, the maximum and minimum differences of pixel 
intensity values resulting from subtracting the JPEG version of 
Peter from the original Peter.tif were respectively -36 and +44 
grey-scale values with an R.M.S. equal to +/-35. By contrast, 
the contour approach produced maximum and minimum

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