Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

XXIX-B3, 2012 
eview and analysis of 
r classification of 
‘ernational Journal of 
H., Shibayama, M., 
phenology detection 
Remote Sensing of 
new forest cover map 
derived from 
Applied Vegetation 
kong Delta, Vietnam, 
culture: the structural 
American Enterprise 
ical guide to wavelet 
ogical Society, 79, pp. 
J.P., 2008. MODIS 
abu, J.Y., Salas, W., 
riculture in South and 
DIS images. Remote 
M. S. Temiz* *, S. Kulur"', S. Dogan* 
» Ondokuz Mayis University, Dept. of Geomatic Engineering, Samsun, TURKEY — (mstemiz, sedatdo)@omu.edu.tr 
^ Istanbul Technical University, Dept. of Geomatic Engineering, Istanbul, TURKEY - kulur@itu.edu.tr 
Commission III, WG III/V 
KEY WORDS: Video images, speed estimation, monocular video, object tracking, optical flow, traffic surveillance. 
In this paper, detailed studies have been performed for developing a real time system to be used for surveillance of the traffic flow by 
using monocular video cameras to find speeds of the vehicles for secure travelling are presented. We assume that the studied road 
segment is planar and straight, the camera is tilted downward a bridge and the length of one line segment in the image is known. In 
order to estimate the speed of a moving vehicle from a video camera, rectification of video images is performed to eliminate the 
perspective effects and then the interest region namely the ROI is determined for tracking the vehicles. Velocity vectors of a 
sufficient number of reference points are identified on the image of the vehicle from each video frame. For this purpose sufficient 
number of points from the vehicle is selected, and these points must be accurately tracked on at least two successive video frames. In 
the second step, by using the displacement vectors of the tracked points and passed time, the velocity vectors of those points are 
computed. Computed velocity vectors are defined in the video image coordinate system and displacement vectors are measured 
by the means of pixel units. Then the magnitudes of the computed vectors in the image space are transformed to the object 
space to find the absolute values of these magnitudes. The accuracy of the estimated speed is approximately + 1-2 km/h. In 
order to solve the real time speed estimation problem, the authors have written a software system in C++ programming language. 
This software system has been used for all of the computations and test applications. 
Using of video sequences are increasing in several applications 
for automation, for instance tracking moving objects, extracting 
trajectories, finding traffic intensity or estimating vehicle 
velocity etc. In this paper we explain the results of our system 
which we have developed for automatic real-time estimation of 
the speed of moving vehicles from video camera images. This 
approach requires only the knowledge of two lengths on the 
ground plane, no interior or exterior calibration parameters are 
required if frontal image acquisition plan is assumed. So we 
assume that the rest of interesting road segment is planar and 
straight and the camera is fixed on the ground. Our system can 
determine vehicle speed in real time and with high accuracy by 
using any kind of digital camera. This procedure involves two 
main steps to be solved. At the first step, enough number of 
points from the vehicle is to be selected, and these points should 
be tracked at least on two successive video frames. At the 
second step, by using the displacement vectors of the tracked 
points and passed time, velocity vectors of those points are 
computed. Due to the nature of the images’ perspective effects, 
the certain geometric properties of the scene such as lengths, 
angels and area ratios are distorted. These distortions must be 
corrected. At first, the background image is detected by using 
background extraction methods and lines on the images are 
detected automatically with Hough Transformation approach. In 
order to rectify images of the scene, we use vanishing point 
geometry and thus solve the scale problem. Vanishing points 
are automatically detected with those extracted lines by using 
least squares adjustment. Subsequently a projective 
transformation is applied to rectify images by using these 
vanishing points. Actually there is no need to apply projective 
transformation for all over the image for rectification. Instead of 
rectifying the whole image, we only rectify the values of the 
* Corresponding author. 
distorted velocity vectors and thus gain time for real time 
In order to track moving objects from video images, the points 
to be tracked which belong to the moving object on the 
successive video frames should be selected automatically. For 
this purpose we use corner detection algorithms to 
automatically select those points. 
In the literature, generally two methods are used for tracking the 
selected points. Maduro et al. (2008), have used Kalman 
filtering method for tracking points on the subsequent frames to 
estimate the velocities of the vehicles, and they have reported 
2% accuracy. In the similar manner, Li-Qun et al. (1992), Jung 
and Ho (1999), Melo et al. (2004) and Hu et al. (2008b) have 
also used the Kalman filtering method for tracking the selected 
points. The other method used for tracking the selected points is 
optical flow. Sand and Teller (2004), Sinha et al. (2009), Dogan 
et al. (2010) and Santoro et al. (2010), have used optical flow 
method for tracking points in subsequent frames. 
For tracking of the selected points we use Lukas — Kanade (LK) 
Optical Flow approach. In order to test the system, we have 
monitored a car which moves with a GPS receiver to measure 
its speed by GPS technique and compared the GPS speed values 
to the values of our video camera speed estimation system and 
we obtained the vehicle speed within + 1 km/h accuracy. In this 
paper, we explain the determination of the vehicle’s speed and 
we give sample applications selected from our test studies. We 
also explain the approaches and mathematical models that we 
used for the solution of the problem. Solutions and the models 
to be used for speed estimation problem vary according to the 
applications and their final purposes. When applications related 
to vehicle speed estimation problems are investigated, two main 
fields are distinguished: traffic surveillance (Gupte, et al., 2002)

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