Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

I V 
Vi=| * and V=|.* (9) 
ly Vy 
Then Equation (8) can be written as: 
("EM vie (10) 
The values of I, I, and I, in Equation (10) can easily be 
computed from the frame images. The variables v, and v, are 
two unknown components of the velocity vector v and these are 
respectively the components in the directions x and y axes of 
the image coordinate system. In Equation (10), we have two 
unknowns to be solved, but we only have one equation. Since 
only one equation is not enough for unique solution of the 
unknowns, at the moment it seems not possible to solve these 
unknowns. In order to solve these two unknowns, we need more 
independent equations. For this purpose, the third assumption 
of the LK algorithm is used. That is, point p behaves together 
with its neighbours. So its neighbours must also satisfy the 
Equation (10). In other words, neighbour points (or pixels) of 
point p must move with the same velocity v(v,,v,). According to 
these explanations, the same equations as (10) are written for 3 
x 3 or 5 x 5 neighbourhood of the point p. In this case, we 
totally have 9 or 25 equations with the same unknowns v, and 
vy. Now the unknowns can be solved with overdetermined set of 
Equations (10) by using least squares or total least squares 
estimation method (Dogan, et. al, 2010). 
During the real time tracking, some selected points may not be 
seen on the next frame. This situation may arise because of 
different reasons. Especially, when the vehicle is entering into 
or exiting from the FOV of the camera, the possibility of 
occurrence of this situation is too high. In order to prevent such 
situations, we have interpreted the algorithm with the image 
pyramid approach, which uses coarse to fine image scale levels. 
For details of the image pyramid approaches, we refer the reader 
to (Bouget, 2000) and (Bradsky and Kaehler, 2008). 
3.3 Estimation of Speed 
To find the vehicle speed, successive frame images of the 
camera can be used. In this case, only the instantaneous speed 
can be found. This instantaneous speed is computed as follows: 
es (11) 
where v is instantaneous velocity vector of a point and v € R? 
(i.e., in 2D space since one camera is used), Ap is displacement 
vector of that point and Ap € R?. The displacement vector 
expresses the spatial displacement of a point during the time 
interval At. Here the time interval At is equal to the time which 
passes between two successive video frames and is equal to the 
frame replay rate (or frame capture rate) of the camera. In the 
experiments given in this paper, At is 33.3 milliseconds, which 
is the frame capture time of the camera that we used. Equation 
(11) gives the instantaneous speed (or velocity) of a point which 
is marked on the vehicle and selected for tracking. To find the 
velocity of the vehicle, only one point is not enough. During the 
selection of the points from the image of the vehicle, local 
approaches are used. If some errors occur during this selection 
step, the computed velocity vector will be affected by those 
errors and so the computed speed will be erroneous. For this 
reason, to estimate the speed of a vehicle, many more than one 
point should be selected and all of their instantaneous velocity 
vectors should be computed. Then by averaging the 
instantaneous velocity vectors of the whole selected points, the 
instantaneous velocity vector of the vehicle is found. For the 
formal expression, let us assume that n points are selected from 
the vehicle to be tracked and let v; (t) (i 1, ..., 1) represent the 
instantaneous velocity vectors of each of n points at time 
instance t. Then by using those instantaneous velocity vectors, 
we can find the instantaneous velocity vector of the vehicle by: 
TD (12) 
where vi, is the instantaneous velocity vector of the vehicle at 
time instance t, v; is the instantaneous velocity vector of i^ point 
on the vehicle and n is the number of the selected and tracked 
points. Here, it should be noted that, if some of the vi vectors 
are erroneous, then v;, will also be erroneous. So, before 
computing the instantaneous velocity v;, of the vehicle, the 
erroneous v; vectors must be eliminated. Then the value of n 
also changes, i.e., number of the points decreases. For the 
elimination of the erroneous vectors, standard deviation of the n 
velocity samples can be used for fast evaluation: 
IMIs]v - 5] (13) 
In order to find absolute values of displacement vectors or 
velocity vectors in object space, the vectors computed in video 
image coordinate system should be transformed to the object 
coordinate system which is in the object space. For this 
purpose, at least the length of a line joining two points within 
the field of view of the camera and on the road and aligned 
along the velocity vectors, must be measured precisely. In this 
paper, we measured the lengths of two lines along the road by 
geodetic measurements using a simple measurement tape, 
within a precision of +1 millimetre. 
In this paper, we propose a method for real-time estimation of 
the speed of moving vehicles by using uncalibrated monocular 
video camera. Since it is not possible to extract 3D geometric 
information with one camera, in order to solve the speed 
estimation problem, some geometric constraints are required 
and the images should be taken under these constraints and the 
processing procedures should also be performed with those 
restrictions. For example, we assume that the imaged scene 15 
flat. Perspective distortions on the acquired images must be 
either very small or of a degree that they can easily be rectified. 
We have used a camera with a frame rate of 30 fps and with an 
effective area of 640 x 480 pixel The pixel size which 
corresponds to the effective area of the camera is 9 microns. 
The focal length of the camera is 5.9 mm. We capture images in 
grey level mode at 30 fps (frames per second), meaning that a 
frame is captured within 33.3 milliseconds after the previous 
frame | 
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