Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

2.6 Point Cloud Registration 
The spatial relation between two point clouds with n 3D/3D cor- 
respondences X; €» X; with X;, X; € mR? can formally be 
described as 
X;=RX;+t (6) 
where R. € R?*? represents a rotation matrix and t € IR? rep- 
resents a translation vector. A fully automatic estimation of the 
transformation parameters can be derived from minimizing the 
error between the point clouds. Including a weighting w; € R for 
each 3D/3D correspondence X; € X; yields an energy function 
E with 
E — ) w|X; - (RX; t| (7) 
for the registration process. For minimizing this energy function 
E, the registration is carried out by estimating the rigid trans- 
formation from all 3D/3D correspondences and the weigths are 
derived from a histogram-based approach. This approach is ini- 
tialized by dividing the interval [0m, 1m] into n, — 100 bins of 
equal size. For all detected correspondences, the calculated qual- 
ity measures c; and oc; assigned to the 3D points X; and X are 
mapped to the respective bins b; and b;. Points with standard 
deviations greater than 1 m are mapped to the last bin. The oc- 
currence of mappings to the different bins is stored in histograms 
h = [h;], 100 9nd h' — [e| a "da Loo Subsequently, cu- 
mulative histograms 
h.= Ec " and hi = ba 
j=1 j=1 
are derived. The entries of the cumulative histograms reach from 
0 to the number n of detected correspondences. As points with 
a low standard deviation are more reliable, they should be as- 
signed a higher weight. For this reason, the inverse cumulative 
izl,.., 100 i=1,..., 100 
Beine = ^ TE S " (8) 
i=l,..., 100 
ÿ=l i=i. 100 
are calculated. Finally, the weight w; of a 3D/3D correspondence 
X; + X; is set to 
w; = minfh. n0(0:), hEinu( 71)! (10) 
where c; and c; are considered as quality measures for the re- 
spective 3D points X; and X;. Estimating the transformation 
parameters can thus be carried out for both range imaging de- 
vices separately. However, as the relative orientation between the 
devices is already known from a priori measurements and both 
devices are running synchronized, the rigid transformation can be 
estimated from the respective correspondences detected by both 
devices between successive frames. Combining information from 
both devices corresponds to extending the field of view and this 
yields more reliable results for the registration process. The ex- 
tension can be expressed by transforming the projected 3D points 
X, which are related to the respective camera coordinate frame 
(superscript c) into the body frame (superscript b) of the sensor 
platform according to 
XR XI +t (11) 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
where R? describes the rotation and t^ denotes the translation 
between the respective coordinate frames. For this, it is assumed 
that the origin of the body frame is in the center between both 
range imaging devices. 
2.7 Object Detection and Segmentation 
As 2D SIFT features have already been calculated for the reg- 
istration process, they can also be utilized for detecting special 
objects in the scene. This allows for calculating the coarse area 
of an object and for automatically selecting features which should 
not be included in the registration process as they arise from ob- 
jects which are likely to be dynamic. These features have to be 
treated in a different way as the static background being relevant 
for registration. For this purpose, image representations of sev- 
eral objects have to be stored in a database before starting the 
surveillance application. One of these images contains a tem- 
plate for the object present in the scene, but from a different 
measurement campaign at a different place and at a different sea- 
son. Due to a similar altitude, the active intensity images show a 
very similar appearance. Comparing the detected SIFT features 
of the normalized active intensity image to the object templates 
in the database during the flight yields a maximum similarity to 
the correct template. Defining a spatial transformation based on 
the SIFT locations as control points, the template is transformed. 
The respective area of the transformed template is then assumed 
to cover the detected object. This procedure allows for detecting 
both static and moving objects in the scene as well as for decou- 
pling sensor and object motion. Hence, the presented approach 
for registration also remains reliable in case of dynamic environ- 
ments if representative objects are already known. 
The proposed concept focuses on airborne scene monitoring with 
range imaging devices. For simulating a future operational sys- 
tem involving such range imaging devices fairly realistically, a 
scaled test scenario has been set up. However, due to the large 
payload of several kilograms for the whole system, mounting the 
required components for data acquisition and data storage on an 
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) still is impracticable. Hence, 
in order to investigate the potentials of active multi-view range 
imaging systems, a cable car moving along a rope is used as 
sensor platform which is shown in Figure 3. The components 
mounted on this platform consist of 
e two range imaging devices (PMD[vision] CamCube 2.0) for 
recording the data, 
e anotebook with a solid state hard disk for efficiently storing 
the recorded data and 
e a 12 V battery with 6.5 Ah for independent power supply. 
As the relative orientation of the two range imaging devices can 
easily be changed, the system allows for variable multi-view op- 
tions with respect to parallel, convergent or divergent data acqui- 
sition geometries. 
However, due to the relatively large influence of noise effects aris- 
ing from the large amount of ambient radiation in comparison to 
the emitted radiation as well as from multipath scattering, the uti- 
lized devices only have a limited absolute range accuracy of a few 
centimeters and noisy point clouds can be expected. Furthermore, 
due to the measurement principle of such time-of-flight cameras, 
the non-ambiguous range R, with 
Hs (12) 
N| = 
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