Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

1.3 Trend Analysis 
Trend analysis has been employed in this investigation as it has 
proven useful in investigating vegetation cover dynamics in the 
south west of Western Australia and in other parts of Australia 
(Wallace and Thomas 1998, Curry et al 2008, Wallace et al 
2006). The linear trend calculation requires a sequence of 
rectified and calibrated imagery from which spectral indices 
relating to variations in vegetation cover can be derived. Then 
changes between image dates can be summarised by calculating 
the linear regression (Furby ef al, 2008). 
Previous trend analysis in the south west of Western Australia 
on selected forest blocks containing mixed woodlands of 
wandoo, marri, jarrah and mallet trees has been conducted 
(Garkaklis and Behn, 2009). Long term trends in vegetation 
cover using image dates between 1988 and 2005 were created 
which were then validated in the field. Loss identified by the 
trend analysis was confirmed in the field, but not all of the loss 
was occurring in the wandoo trees but in co-occurring tree 
species. The long term trends used in the Garkalis and Behn 
study do not identify areas of recent recovery in canopy cover. 
This study aims to interrogate the time series of imagery and use 
shorter trend periods to inform the questions posed by the 
Wandoo Recovery Group. 
2.1 Landsat 
The satellite imagery utilised is Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper 
(TM) and Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) 
supplied by the Land Monitor Project (Caccetta et al 2000). In 
Western Australia the Land Monitor program used Landsat data 
initially to monitor salt affected land and remnant vegetation, 
and currently produces perennial woody vegetation monitoring 
products (Land Monitor, 2012). The images are captured in the 
dry season (summer) and are rectified and calibrated to base 
images. This processing makes the imagery suitable for time 
series and trend analysis. Image dates included in the analysis 
are 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000 and annually 2002 - 
2.2 Field Surveys 
The Wandoo Recovery Group has developed a technique for 
assessing wandoo crown decline (WCD). It categorises levels 
of active crown foliage loss along a scale ranging from healthy 
to dead (WRG 2005). The Wandoo Recovery Group has 
monitored the crown condition at 24 sites between 2006 and 
2010 and determined trends in the crown condition over this 
time period. Surveys were of individual trees along transects on 
average 100m long and 20m wide. Jack Mercer established 
three long range transects with several sites along each and 
made observations of wandoo crown condition and stand health 
in 1991, 2002 and 2008 with the 2002 and 2008 field data being 
the most comparable (Mercer 1991, 2003, 2008). 
In 2010 (10) and 2011 (8) sites were assessed for crown decline 
stage and canopy cover by the authors. These sites were chosen 
to be appropriate for use with Landsat imagery and were 
selected in areas of varying trends in vegetation cover. One 
hectare homogeneous sites were identified and three to five trees 
within a site assessed. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
2.3 Vector Data 
The study area has been restricted to the mapped occurrence of 
wandoo. The boundaries of wandoo occurrence were 
interpreted from airphotos and ground knowledge (figure 1. 
Wandoo does occur with other species (jarrah and marri) and 
can be mistaken for another species, powderbark wandoo (E. 
accedens). The mapped extent does not capture all wandoo 
woodlands and does include woodlands that are not wandoo. 
However restricting the analysis to this region enables broad 
observations of the wandoo woodlands to be made. 
3.1 Index images 
Input to the trend analysis requires spectral index images that 
represent the land cover being investigated and vary linearly 
with changes. Index images were created using a combination 
of Band 3 and Band 5 of the Landsat imagery shown in equation 
(Band 3 + Band 5) / 2 (1) 
This band combination has been found in other studies in the 
south west of Western Austalia to be strongly related to changes 
in projected foliage cover (Zdunic and Behn 2009, Garkalis and 
Behn 2009). The index was calculated for all available images 
1990 to 2010. The index for the 2000 image was later removed 
as this image has much ephemeral understorey growth not 
usually present in dry season imagery. In the winter of 1999 
and into the summer months the rainfall was higher than 
average. Keeping the 2000 image in the analysis meant that it 
dominated the canopy cover in the image sequence and caused 
false gain and loss in the trend epoch calculations. 
3.2 Trend calculation 
The linear trends were calculated for several time periods 
(epoch) using orthogonal polynomials (Draper and Smith 1980) 
with software provided by CSIRO Mathematics, Informatics and 
Statistics. The output trend image contains the slope value 
scaled to fit 8-bit integer data range of 0-255. Firstly the trend 
for time periods 1990-2002 and 2002-2010 were calculated. 
These longer time periods enable examination of long term 
trends and are not as affected by individual image date 
The long term linear trends were classified into five classes; 
decline, small decline, stable, small gain and gain cover classes. 
This enables areas to be calculated and the classes compared 
between the two time periods. Class boundaries were modified 
from previous products produced by the Land Monitor Project 
(Furby et al 2008). 
A series of short epoch trend images were calculated using four 
image dates. In all eleven four date trend images were created 
by moving through the image sequence one date at a time. This 
sequence was produced as WCD can occur over several years 
not like other impacts like fire, flood or drought which have a 
strong impact and then recovery signal. The decline does not 
occur at the same time in all locations, but is diverse in its effect 
in time and space. By reducing the trend epoch length and 
calculating it for every available date the opportunity for 
% Area of Wandoo Occurrence 
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