Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

ume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
1.1 Local Binary Pattern (LBP) 
In last two decades Local Binary Pattern has been used for 
texture analysis of images including remote sensing images 
[Ojala et al. 1996; Ojala et al. 2002; Lucieer et al. 2005]. The 
central concept of LBP is that it measures the gray-scale 
invariant texture of the image. It is derived from the analysis of 
a 3 x 3 local neighborhood over a central pixel. The LBP is 
based on a binary code describing the local texture pattern. This 
code is built by thresholding a local neighborhood by the grey 
value of its center. The eight neighbors are labeled using a 
binary code {0,1} obtained by comparing their values to the 
central pixel value. If the tested grey value is below the grey 
value of the central pixel, then it is labeled 0, otherwise it is 
assigned the value 1. The obtained value is then multiplied by 
the weights given to the corresponding pixels. The weight is 
given by the value 2"*!. Summing the obtained values gives the 
measure of the LBP. The microwave images contain texture 
and non-texture region. Advantages of using LBP on 
microwave images are that (i) it can be used as a tool to 
measure the spatial pattern around each pixel of the image and 
(ii) it does not require any prior information about the pixel 
intensity, (iii) LBP technique theoretically and computationally 
is simple. This work attempts to describe the textures of 
microwave images using LBP. 
1.2 Objective 
The aim of this study is to develop a method to classify high 
resolution microwave images. To achieve this aim (i) local 
adaptive median filter is developed to replace the speckle noise 
of microwave images with a local median value, (ii) LBP is 
used as a tool to measure the texture around each pixel of the 
speckle suppressed image and (iii) ISODATA clustering 
technique is used to cluster the transformed LBP image. 
13 Outline of the Proposed Work 
A median filter is developed to suppress the speckle noise from 
microwave image. A new method is proposed to compute the 
LBP of pixels in the image. This LBP analysis is used to 
measure the texture around each pixel of the noise suppressed 
image. To show the robustness of the proposed LBP analysis 
the ISODATA is applied separately on the transformed images 
obtained from Lucieer et al’s LBP analysis as well as images 
obtained from the proposed LBP analysis and compared the 
results. From the results, it is found that the “Lucieer et al’s 
LBP analysis and ISODATA” under segment the images where 
as “proposed LBP analysis and ISODATA" segment classes 
distinctly. The proposed method is proved to be effective to 
classify RISAT-II microwave images. 
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2.0 discusses about 
methodology and consists of three sub-sections. Sub-section 2.1 
discusses the methods used for speckle suppression. Sub- 
section 2.2 discusses the methods used for Image 
Transformation. Sub-section 2.3 discusses about the clustering 
of transformed image. Comparison of the result of “Lucieer et 
al’s LBP analysis and ISODATA” and “Proposed LBP analysis 
and ISODATA" is discussed in Section 2.4. The final 
conclusions are drawn in Section 3.0. 
Methodology adapted to classify the microwave images has 
three main steps: (i) suppression of speckle noise, (ii) 
transformation and (iii) clustering. In the first step speckle is 
identified from microwave image by using local statistics and 
replaced it with a local median value. In the second step each 
pixel of the image is transformed into degree of texture based 
on the spatial pattern of the neighborhood. In the third step, 
ISODATA clustering technique is used to cluster the 
transformed image. 
2.1 Speckle Suppression 
A local adaptive median filter is developed to suppress the 
speckle noise from microwave image. It is two step procedures: 
(i) in the first step speckle is identified from microwave image 
and (ii) identified speckle is suppressed in the second step. The 
central pixel value that is not falling in between the range of 
lower bound (LB) and upper bound (UB) value is considered as 
a speckle. LB and UB are represented here as (n - o) and. (p 
c) respectively, where u.. and c stand for mean and standard 
deviation of the pixel values falling in the local window 
respectively. The pixel value of the central pixel position of the 
local window that is not falling in between LB and UB replaced 
by the median (M) of the pixel values of local window. 
2.2 Transformation 
Transformation is carried out on the speckle-suppressed image. 
The LBP is used as a tool to transform the image. Intersected 
pixels by the perimeter of the circles are used for computing the 
LBP. The proposed method uses a series of circles (2D) 
centered on the pixel with incremental radius values. Measures 
rotation invariant texture for each circularly symmetric 
neighborhood. Finally all measure together becomes LBP value 
of the center pixel of the kernel. The significance of uses of a 
series of circles is that (i) the circular neighborhoods enable a 
definition of a rotation invariant texture and (ii) multiple circles 
facilitate to consider more number of pixels than a circle to 
compute the degree of texture of the neighbor of the center 
pixel of the kernel. Detail procedure to compute the degree of 
texture of the neighborhood of the pixel is given bellow: 
Initially for each pixel a series of three values of radius r (where 
r = 1, 3 and 5) are considered as shown in figure 1 for 
measuring the degree of texture around the pixel. 
The grey values { fo, fi, ............. A 1 S90 81: ; 
gp.1 ) and { hg by, ............. , hps.; } of intersected pixels on 
the perimeter of the circle of radius r =I, r =3 and r =5 
respectively are used for measuring the same. Here, P, (P; > 1), 
P, (P,> 1) and P; (P; > 1) are the total number of intersected 
pixels on the perimeter of the circle of radius r=1,r=3 and r =5

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