Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

correlation features. 
d) d+4 
rrelation features in site 1 
relation features in site 2 
ntation quality does not 
lassification accuracy. 
ind modelling of spatial 
the segmentation quality 
semivariograms are used 
)bject classes while Getis 
legree of local spatial 
nents are conducted via 
, which incorporate both 
ctral features. The results 
ures play the role of a 
oise caused by spectral 
gmentation quality. 
on the determination of 
within the range of the 
pation on segmentation 
This research has been partially supported by the National Key 
Basic Research and Development Program (2012CB719903), 
by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61172175) 
and by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central 
Universities (2011 21302020010). 
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