Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

XIX-B3, 2012 
response spread, 
'ecome penalized, 
ess of the cut-off. 
to calculate this 
act the common 
r images, such as 
the two image 
1g and, therefore, 
rast to commonly 
s, point features), 
s within the local 
left to right: the 
ote that the LWA 
n the PC map, 
; the sky, sea, and 
e independent of 
n ofthe LAP and 
it: CSM, which is 
tion than those 
] is therefore able 
mage matching. 
mmon amplitude 
1sor images, and 
commonly used 
etic analysis and 
VA is an image 
his problem, we 
lation (ZNCC) as 
contrast invariant 
'esponding LWA 
hin the template 
(u, v) in 84 3 
window, where 
sed as follows: 
YYX(AGsiy*D-7) (a, u+iv+ )-8,) 
Xen) EX ene n-i, y 
ZNCC(u,v) = 
Because of the normalization, ZNCC is invariant to image 
contrast linear changes, which can be used to compensate the 
disadvantage of the LWA. 
As the LAP represents the phase of local frequency vectors, it is 
an image contrast invariant variation. Therefore, for efficiency, 
we present an Extended Mean Absolute Difference (EMAD) as 
the similarity measure rather than ZNCC. If we define f, and g, 
as the LAP pair, the definition of EMAD is given by: 
EMAD(u,v) = YX255- (Us Gy 7g. Qi iv 7) do 
If we define y... as the maximum value of ZNCC matrix and 
Max, 98 the maximum value of EMAD matrix respectively, 
then the newly presented CSM can be expressed as follows: 
CEMOLY)S ZNCC(u,v)+1 X EMAD(u,v) (13) 
Mayo tl +e Max, +2 
A very small positive constant € is added to the denominator in 
case of a small Max jvc and/or Max mp" From Equ.13, we can 
see the value range of EMAD and ZNCC are both normalized, 
therefore, they have the same value range. The maximum value 
of the ZNCC component, ZNCC(u,v)+1 is 1, and the same 
Max. trt € 
applies to the EMAD component, EMAD(u,v) . Therefore, 
Max, ,, + © 
the CSM is able to combine the LAP and LWA information 
with equal weight, and make full use of them. 
In this work, the goal of local best matching point detection is 
to determine the template which has the highest matching 
accuracy within a certain image region. The centre of the 
template is named as Local Best Matching Point. In order to 
find this template, we must clarify what the feature of the 
template is. If the template centered on a point is shifted, the 
texture within the template obviously changes, and then we can 
know this template is unique, and is also suitable for image 
matching. Therefore, the local best matching point can be 
detected using the self-similarity measurement. We first need to 
evaluate the suitability measurement of each point surrounding 
the target point and then choose the point with the highest 
suitability measurement as the local best feature point. The 
detailed algorithm proceeds as follows: 
(1) Pick a point from the region centered on the target point, 
and then calculate the suitability of the selected point. The 
definition of suitability can be expressed as follows: 
First, as shown in Figure 3, pick another eight points which are 
centered on the selected point, and equally spaced on a circle of 
radius, 1; Second, if we define the template centered on the 
selected point as the centre template, and the template centered 
on the other eight points as the neighboring templates, we can 
choose the centre template as the reference template, and 
calculate its self-similarity measurement with neighboring 
templates. In this work, we use ZNCC as the self-similarity 
measurement. If we define ZNCC, as the self-similarity 
measurement of the neighboring template, then the suitability 
measurement of the template, S , can be defined as: 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
S «1- Max(ZNCC, ) (14) 
where Max(ZNCC, ) is the maximum self-similarity value 
of ZNCC, . 
(2) Successively pick a point from the region, which are 
centered on the target point with a circle of radius, R, as shown 
in Figure 3. Similar to step 1, get the suitability measurement 
for all these selected points. 
(3) Find the point with the highest suitability measurement, and 
identify this point as the local best matching point. 
(4) Conduct the image matching using the template centered on 
the local best matching point. After matching, based on the 
geometric transformation between the reference image and the 
searching image, calculate the corresponding point of the target 
# PE hey t ym muy : 
e mi Pd i i 
# * ag + # 
i > 
7 E^ # * » % 
* % f * i En % 
$9 5 * * 
2 Target 4 T 
# $ E on 4 
# R i ’ , # 
3 * # * É * 
% 2 % 3 
3 % $ $ A £ 
# : + e 
%, E P . P 
d : . X M dé 
* Neighboring # a 4 1 
d * 
“i ab 
M d > qe 
ues 5 
Figure 3. Local Best Matching Point Detection 
5.1 Experiments Using Real Images 
We evaluate the performance of the proposed method using 
some real images, which include: a pair of infrared and visible 
images and a pair of SAR and visible images. We compare the 
matching results obtained from the proposed algorithm with 
those from three existing state-of-the-art methods based on 
Local Frequency Response Vectors (LFRV) [9], Phase 
Congruence (PC) [10], and Four Directional-Derivative-Energy 
Image (FDDEI) [12]. As shown in Figure 4, many target points 
are first selected from the reference image (left), and the interval 
of the target points is 20 pixels. The four different image 
matching approaches then conduct on the searching images 
(right) to search the corresponding points. The size of the 
template is 101(pixel) X 101(pixel), and the size of the 
searching region is 201(pixel) X 201 (pixel). If the distance from 
a matching result to its corresponding truth-value is less than 
1.5 pixels, we identify this matching result as correct. The 
Correct Rate obtained from four different methods are shown in 
Figure 5. 
The experiments using real images show that our new method is 
effective for matching multi-sensor and multi-temporal images 
which cannot be effectively handled by the traditional methods. 
From Figure 5, we can see the average accuracy rate of our new 
method is much higher than other methods. Moreover, when 
matching the SAR and Visible images pair, the performances of 
the three traditional methods reduce dramatically. However, our 
new method is still able to robustly handle the image pair. 

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