Training Mode
: ; ; Figure 5. TerraSAR-X radar data (HH polarization) overlaid
Figure 3. Block diagram of the slide detection algorithm with masks for training (a) and testing (b)
Throughout the training phase, the errors are propagated from
the output layer back to hidden layer using the delta rule such 4. RESULTS AND VALIDATION
that the total squared error of output is minimized.
Figure 5 shows the training and testing area. In (a) the training
area which includes slide (blue) and healthy (green) pixels are
shown. Figure 5 (b) depicts the testing area, from a nearby but
different section of the levee system. Based on the algorithm
explained in section 3, first the training area is used to train the
BNN parameters. Around 300 pixels from each class (slide and
non-slide) are used for training the BNN. The BNN has 36
input neurons, one hidden layer with three neurons, and one
output neuron. The transformation function is a hyperbolic
tangent sigmoid, and the training function is Levenberg- CI:
Marquardt back propagation. The maximum number of epochs
for training is set to 100. For each pixel of testing area, the
features are extracted and the BNN decides whether that that
pixel is a slide or healthy pixel. The result of applying the
algorithm to the testing area is depicted in Figure 6(a) showing
the detected healthy (non-slide) and slide pixels. The healthy
pixels are green and the slides are blue. Figure 6 (b) shows the
ground truth and target data. In this figure, blue shows the slide
and the green pixels are the healthy area. As we compare the
two images we see that most of the slide area is correctly
detected. However, a portion of the healthy area is classified as :
slide. Table 1 shows the class confusion matrix for the
Figure 4. Back propagation neural network with one hidden classification. As can be seen, slide pixels are classified with
layer 50% accuracy. The overall accuracy is 67% for this testing area.
It appears that the area which was classified as slides has a high
surface roughness, which is detected as slide pixels. Also, since
the TerraSAR-X is sensitive to vegetation, any changes in the