Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

X-B3, 2012 
ith increasing in 
recognition rate 
RDA shows the 
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order to conduct 
6 labels whose 
Thus we need 
s 220 bands; 
0 samples, 1(=5, 
for training and 
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ind SRDA, the 
> 40, while the 
3 of recognition 
. And the max 
Iso reported in 
de NPE | 
ue PCA | 
0 30 7 49 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
(c) 15 Training Samples 
Recognition rate 
1 L + 
5 30 35 40 
10 6 20. 25 
(d) 20 Trairine$æmples 
Fig.2 The curves of recognition rate vs. Dimension 
of different training samples of each approaches 
Tab.2 The max recognition rates on AVIRIS Indian Pines 
Training Size NPE PCA SRDA 
5x220 33.55 51.16 50.79 
10x220 41.79 54.47 53.14 
15x220 36.96 56.02 55.27 
20x220 31.54 56.22 56.31 
From the Fig.2 and Tab.2, we also can observe that the 
SRDA also has a higher recognition rate, compared with 
the PCA and NPE, especially when the number of the 
training samples increases to 20, the recognition of 
SRDA is the highest. Also with the number of training 
samples turns large, the recognition rate increases, and 
this is true to PCA and SRDA, but not fit with the NPE. 
And this is related to the neighbor classifier. 
3.3 Discussion 
The experiments on Washington DC Mall and AVIRIS 
Indian Pines have reflected some significant points. 
1) All methods mentioned in this paper shares higher 
classification with the increase in the number of the 
training samples, expect NPE when it is applied in 
5-nearest neighbor classifier. 
2) The NPE, KPCA, and PCA are all involved with 
eigen-decomposition of dense matrices, which is 
computational expensive. While SRDA only needs to 
solve c-1 regularized Least-Squares Problems which are 
efficient. Here the c represents the number of classes. 
3) When the number of training samples is small, the 
same dimensions cannot be access to all these methods. 
So we have to change the dimensions to meet the 
demands of the experiments. 
In this paper, we developed an efficient and useful 
approach for dimension reduction, which is called the 
Spectral Regression Discriminant Analysis (SRDA). This 
method avoids the difficulty of eigen-decomposition and 
casts the problem of learning an embedding function into 
a regression framework, which is a huge save of time and 
memory. As we all know that, the SRDA can conduct 
discriminant analysis of large-scale high-dimensional 
data. With experiments, we can easily find that the 
SRDA shows higher recognition rate by comparison to 
other methods such as NPE, LDA, PCA and KPCA. 
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