Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

VHR airborne gray color images of pre and post 
tsunami event 
Image registration and mathematical morphology 
Filter the vectored structuring functions and binary 
image generation 
Hit-or-Miss transform 
Building extraction and damage estimation 
Figure.1 Flow chart of the study 
Differential Morphology Profile (DMP) employs a set of image 
operators to extract and analyse image components based on 
shape and size of quasi-homogeneous regions in the image. This 
concept is used to create a feature vector from a single image, 7 
and it is based on the repeat use of the opening and closing 
operators, which are commonly used in mathematical 
morphology (Vincent et al., 1993). Opening and closing by 
reconstruction is obtained following by erosion and dilation 
under the original image (Pesaresi et al., 2001.). The grey-scale 
reconstruction JO of image / could be defined as follows. 
Opening 7 is defined as the result of erosion followed by the 
#2 JDY= pen f(D =Rec(e 1.1) (1) 
In a similar fashion, closing (P by reconstruction can be 
defined as 
9*x f(p) - p*''? (8, f(p)) - Rec(ó, f, f) Q) 
Here in the Euclidean transforms assume that flat structuring 
element that corresponds to the neighbourhood SE= 
N The erosion € of the grey level function using the 
a\P N Y 
structuring element N is defined by the infimum of the values of 
the grey level function in the neighbourhood 
ex fü) 2 ^f Gp) e N«(QY)o fü» G) 
And the Dilation Ô x i$ similarly defined by the supremum of 
the neighboring values and the value of as 
ay f(p) - tv fip )p) e Ne) o f» (4) 
Opening and closing by reconstruction can be considered as 
lower-leveling opening and upper-leveling closing operations 
2.3 Generation of binary images 
Selected threshold value ( /;) that defending on each image was 
applied for pre generated Differential Morphological Profile 
(DMP) profile images. Binary Image [7,4 063 serious with 
different structure elements that contain O or | pixel value was 
built up using this threshold. 
Lir os f(x) (5) 
0, otherwise 
[7.31695 ! 
The threshold values were found according to;, « (x) «; , 
t E 
in many cases here it assumes threshold value between 140 to 
255 and was enough the brighter or darker building roof must 
be determined empirically classified to pixel value 1. 
2.4 Hit-or-miss transform for binary case 
The Hit-or-miss transformation, HMT, of a set x by a composite 
structuring element N —(N,,, N4,) is the set of points, x, 
such that when the origin of N coincides with x, N rg fits 
f(x) while Np. fits f(x)“: 
HMT, f(x) = UN ss), & F(X), (Np). =/C) (6) 
Here we applied (3,9),(5,13) and — (7,17) | of 
N -(N&,,Ng,,) disk shape structuring elements sets for 
undamaged buildings extraction which consists of 7,11,15 
structuring elements in MM. 
2.5 Used Data 
(a) (b) 
Figure.2 The RGB color images show Ishinomaki area 
before (a) and after (b) the Tsunami event. 
The morphological filter theory was designed for a series of 
gray-level images. The pre generated gray scale airborne images 
of 2011 Pacific coast Tohoku earthquake and Tsunami site of 
the Ishinomaki area in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan were used for 
the study. IDL programming language and ENVI 43 
commercial software package were used for image processing 
and classification. Here the figure 2 shows the RGB color 
images of Tsunami hazardous Ishinomaki City area Miyagi 
Prefecture, Japan, before and after the 2011 tsunami event. 
The m 
value | 
to 15m 
was nc 
and rul 
a series 
15m re 
with s= 
3 show 

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