Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

method detected 1225 buildings among 1592 before the tsunami 
event and 425 buildings among 482 after the event. The error 
extraction of building structure could be due to over fitting of 
the decision surface to the data. 
We applied a method for extraction of urban structures and 
hazard estimation using VHR airborne images. This method is 
adapted to pre and post event gray color images and do not 
require any kind of ancillary data to be performed. The first step 
was to segment structural information using morphological 
opening and closing by reconstruction operators. There for the 
pre-generated gray level airborne images of pre and post- 
earthquake and tsunami event in Ishinomaki area in Miyagi 
prefecture were applied to the morphological operators. The 
shadows of the buildings were masked and removed using their 
low spectral values. This work is a further extension of our 
previous study by introducing binary images and hit-or-miss 
transform. The segmented images were applied to hit-or-miss 
transform to extract the building roofs. Proposed combinations 
of building roofs reflectance value and shape increased the 
probability of building extraction. The candidate area contained 
various kinds of roofs with different color, shape and size. 
However, there were some building structures that are complex, 
hence these sometimes combine together to be classified as a 
one building. Further work is required to increase the accuracy 
of building detection and determine if damage ratio of the 
structure can be estimated. 
We would like to thank for access airborne imagery and GIS 
data, provided by Geospatial Information Authority of Japan 
(GSD, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. 
The authors also acknowledge to Gareth Wyvill and Duminda 
Welikanna, Kyoto University, for knowledge sharing and 
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