Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

0 Benen 
lass of the RDF 
lh respect to the 
ition accuracy of 
ication accuracy 
for training. 
mean shift seg- 
? confusion ma- 
class (rows) and 
indicate the true 
9 16 
29 2 
16 3 
y. 7 
76 5 
4 68 
esults. In Fig. 6, 
s. For example, 
) the reflectance 
t sky regions are 
ned label car in 
ed simply by in- 
., 2008), such as 
below the build- 
ded by building. 
sification results 
performance of 
and RDF clas- 
enefits from the 
> feature sets we 
ntation method, 
Soille (1991), to 
h the RDF clas- 
e decision trees 
n in Table 7. 
h class remains 
ge regions from 
ind the low clas- 
ither good fea- 
Figure 5: Qualitative classification results of a RDF classifier 
with the mean shift on the testing images from the eTRIMS 
dataset. (Left: test image, middle: result, right: ground truth.) 
Figure 6: Some more classification results of a RDF classifier 
with the mean shift on the testing images from the eTRIMS 
dataset. (Left: test image, middle: result, right: ground truth.) 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B3, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
Table 7: Pixelwise accuracy of the image classificationusing the 
RDF classifier and the watershed segmentation on the eTRIMS 
8-class dataset. The confusion matrix shows the classification 
accuracy for each class (rows) and is row-normalized to sum to 
100%. Row labels indicate the true class (Tr), and column labels 
the predicted class (Pr). 
Pr T b C d p T s v w 
b 59 4 1 Br 5 9 ll 7 
c 67 231 0 5 2 0 3 2 
d 1950-12 5:0. 0:10. 002 417 
p 57 3. 0-9: 3004040 1 
r 14 1 0:58:23 1 3 1 
s 17 50: 0 (16. 0:573. 2 1 
v 13 4 | 2 1 13 61 4 
w 23 1 1 1 0-6 .3 5] 
5.4 Discussion 
With respect to the three most important classes building, win- 
dow, and vegetation, we are satisfied with our classification re- 
sults. But our multi-class approach does not perform very well 
for most of the other classes. Our classification scheme is faced 
with a dramatic inequality between the sizes of the classes. Al- 
most 6046 of the data is covered by only 2 classes, and the rest is 
spread over the rest classes. And for the classes like car and door, 
Gestalt features (Bileschi and Wolf, 2007) may play major role in 
a good classification performance. We also believe symmetry and 
repetition features are vital for classifying window class. 
In this paper, features are extracted at local scale. Classification 
results are achieved from bottom up on these local features by 
classifiers. This factor leads to noisy boundaries in the example 
images. To enforce consistency, a Markov or conditional ran- 
dom field (Shotton et al., 2006) is often introduced for refinement, 
which would likely improve the performance. 
We evaluate the performance of seven feature sets with respect 
to region-based classification of facade images. The feature sets 
include basic features, color features, histogram features, Peucker 
features, texture features, and SIFT features. We use randomized 
decision forest (RDF) to perform the classification scheme. In our 
experiments on the eTRIMS dataset (Koré and Fôrstner, 2009), 
we have shown that RDF produces some reasonable classification 
The results show that these features and a local classifier are not 
sufficient. In order to recover more precise boundaries, the work 
presented in this paper has been fused into conditional random 
field framework (Yang and Fórstner, 2011) by including neigh- 
boring region information in the pairwise potential of the model, 
which allows us to reduce misclassification that occurs near the 
edges of objects. As future work, we are interested in evaluat- 
ing more features, such as Gestalt features (Bileschi and Wolf, 
2007) and other descriptor features (van de Sande et al., 2010), 
for building facade images. 
Barnard, K., Duygulu, P., Freitas, N. D., Forsyth, D., Blei, D. and 
Jordan, M., 2003. Matching words and pictures. Journal of 
Machine Learning Research 3, pp. 1107-1135.

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