Full text: Technical Commission III (B3)

-B3, 2012 
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Machine Intelli- 
Vifeat: An 
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hine Intelligence 
e classification of 
c Image Analysis 
Fang Yao* ,Han Hu", Youchuan Wan* 
"School of Remote Sensing Information and Engineering, Wuhan University, Luoyu Road, Wuhan, China 
KEY WORDS: Remote sensing images, dodging, Mask, image quality, assessment. 
The remote sensing image dodging algorithm based on Mask technique 1s a good method for removing the uneven lightness within a 
single image. However, there are some problems with this algorithm, such as how to set an appropriate filter size, for which there is 
no good solution. In order to solve these problems, an improved algorithm is proposed. In this improved algorithm, the original 
image is divided into blocks, and then the image blocks with different definitions are smoothed using the low-pass filters with 
different cut-off frequencies to get the background image; for the image after subtraction, the regions with different lightness are 
processed using different linear transformation models. The improved algorithm can get a better dodging result than the original one, 
and can make the contrast of the whole image more consistent. 
In the process of acquiring remote sensing images, the effect 
of internal and external factors will lead to the differences of 
hue, lightness, contrast, etc. inside a single image. The 
differences are mainly caused by imaging non-uniformity of 
optical lens, atmospheric attenuation, clouds, smog, different 
light conditions due to sun/shade conditions, and so on, 
which directly degrades remote sensing images and affects 
their subsequent applications and post-processing(such as 
feature extraction, target recognition, classification, 
interpretation, etc.) (Li et al, 2006). Thus, dodging 
(removing the differences of hue, lightness and contrast) has 
become an important issue in remote sensing application. 
At present the algorithms of image dodging mainly focus on 
how to acquire the trend of lightness in an image to 
compensate for the lightness of different regions. According 
to the different methods of how to get the lightness trend in 
an image, the dodging algorithms can be divided into the 
following categories (Russ, 1999): 
(1) Background fitting: select some background points 
automatically or by human-machine interaction, then utilize a 
mathematical model to fit the gray values to a function of x 
and y, B(x, y) as the estimate of the background image, and 
finally subtract the background image from the original 
image(Blohm, 1997; Jin et al., 2000). The adaptive dodging 
method Zhang et al. (2003) and Li (2005) proposed also 
belongs to this category. However, because the reasons for 
causing the uneven distribution of lightness are varied and 
the distribution of ground objects themselves is irregular, it is 
difficult to choose the most appropriate model using this 
method. Chandelier (2009) proposed a parametric, semi- 
empirical radiometric model, and its principle is quite similar 
to the standard aerial triangulation. The results are 
satisfactory when atmospheric conditions are favorable and 
(2) Sorting correction: Assuming that the background is 
always darker than the target in any region of an image, 
substitute the minimum gray value in the neighborhood for 
the gray value of the pixel. Repeat the above-mentioned 
process several times to obtain the background image, and 
then subtract the background image from the original 
image(Zhen et al., 2003). This method can correct the image 
with the quite uneven lightness, but the computing speed is 
slow. In order to get a good result, it is necessary to smooth 
the complicated background image. However, the process is 
cumbersome(Li, 1995). 
(3) Filtering in frequency domain: Assuming that the 
lightness values of the background image are a series of low- 
frequency signals, adopt a low pass filtering method to get 
the background image. Wang et al. (2004) proposed a 
dodging algorithm based on MASK technique. They utilized 
the Gaussian low pass filter to acquire the background image, 
then subtracted the background image from the original 
image, and finally stretch the result image to increase the 
contrast. The dodging algorithm Hu et al. (2004) proposed is 
also based on Mask technology, and only the methods of 
producing the background image and increasing the contrast 
are different from Wang et al. (2004). Sun (2008) divided the 
background image by the original image after obtaining the 
lightness distribution of the background image. This can 
decrease the contrast of the brighter regions and increase the 
contrast of the darker regions, and finally get a relatively 
even contrast. 
Because the background image only reflects the lightness 
distribution of the original image, rather than the detailed 
information, the detailed information must be remove from 
the background image as much as possible. Considering that 
ground objects and image definitions are different in different 
regions of an image, the background image should be 
acquired using different parameters. Currently, most 
researchers implement dodging processing for different 
regions within an image using the same method with the 
same parameters. Aiming at the problem above, this paper 
puts forward an improved image dodging algorithm based on 
Mask technique. 
The Mask dodging technique originated from the photoprint

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