(a) (b) (c)
Figure 8. Homomorphicaly Filtered Test Image#l (a)
Photocopy filter (Det: 20, dark:5) (b) Threshold (Level:165) (c)
overlay with original image
6.3 Find Edges — Photocopy — Trace Contour
Find edges in “Stylize” section of filters in Photoshop menu
highlights the areas with dramatic transitions and extracts the
edges. It can be used for creating borders around an image area
or around a specific pattern in an image.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 9. Homomorphicaly Filtered Test Image#1 (a) Find
Edges (b) Photocopy filter (Det: 5, dark:5) (c) overlay with
original image
Quantitative analysis on skin disorders is very important in
order to see the evaluation of a disease. Analysis done by only
visual observation by doctors is observer-dependent (Ramazani
et al.) and moreover small changes might not be recognizable
by human vision. Photoshop provides a user-friendly and
amount effective tool to answer this purpose.
In this part of the study (as well as in the filter testing phase),
Photoshop 7.0 was used to make quantitative analysis. Two
images with different dimensions of the same scar on skin were
analysed. Because of the inability to access real patients, the
tests were applied on printed images downloaded from the
internet. It should be noted that, to make a final judgment about
the validity of all Photoshop tools, more examinations must be
done with the contribution of medical specialists and on real
patient's skin diseases. Quantitative analysis was performed
using two different tools of Photoshop: *Magic Wand" and
"Magnetic Lasso". These tools determine the size of the scar in
pixel dimensions that can be used for a reliable metric
evaluation comparison. The mentioned methods were applied
on the same scar images but with different characteristics (size).
All image pairs were registered on each other and were
converted to the same ground space in order to make the
comparison feasible. This way it was possible to define some
standards for this kind of temporal images’ comparison and
to reveal the usefulness of the applied filters.
7.1 Magic Wand Tool
The Magic Wand tool specifies the adjacent area around a pixel
which is selected by the operator. Two criteria, tolerance value
and contiguous option, must also be determined. Tolerance
value in pixels ranges between 0 and 255. This value must be
selected low if it is preferable to select very similar pixels to the
operator's choice. Higher values widen the range of pixel
differences between each other (Adobe Photoshop Help
Contiguous selection allows neighbouring pixels to the
operator's selection to be taken into consideration for the final
selection of the area. Otherwise, only the similar pixels (within
the given tolerance) will be taken into consideration
Tolerance was chosen as 30 and contiguous option was used
during the application. The histogram under the image menu
shows mean, median, standard deviation and pixel amount
within the selection.
Results after ten trials on both homomorphicaly filtered Tes;
Image#l and Test Image#2 are displayed below in Table.! and
Tablel. Magic Wand process on
Homomorphicaly Filtered Test Image#1
5 Std. Tot.
No. Mean | Median Dev. Pixels
1 116.43 114 9.37 3374
2 115.17 114 7.41 3226
3 114.84 114 6.93 3181
4 114.75 114 8.82 3167
5 114.86 114 6.94 3183
6 115.10 114 7.34 3213
7 114.75 114 6.82 3163
8 115.27 114 7.33 3238
9 114.46 114 7.41 3226
10 115.17 114 7.41 3226
Table2. Magic Wand process on
Homomorphicaly Filtered Test Image#2
: Std. Tot.
No. Mean | Median Des. Pixels
1 128.32 127 7.19 2401
2 128.64 127 7.67 2434
3 128.19 127 7.04 2385
4 128.32 127 7.19 2401
5 128.17 127 7.01 2383
6 129.01 127 8.22 2469
7 129.05 127 8.25 2473
8 128.83 127 7.94 2452
9 128.39 127 7.33 2407
10 128.15 127 7.34 2350
7.2 Magnetic Lasso Tool
The Lasso tool lets the operator to draw borders freely while the
magnetic lasso tool snaps the border to the edges of the defined
areas in the image. Anti-aliasing smoothes the edges and the
feathering feature blurs the edges between the selection and its
surrounding pixels. There are some extra options to determine
the use of the magnetic lasso tool. Width value in pixels
indicates the amount of the neighbor pixels which will be
included into border. Edge Contrast is the sensitivity to edges
in image. Higher values detect only edges that differs highly
contrast with its surroundings and lower value allows lower
contrast selection. Frequency specifies the rate between
fastening points of lasso tool. Higher frequency means close-
timbered selection will be done by software (Adobe Photoshop
Help Center).
While using Magnetic Lasso tool, anti-aliasing and feather
choices were left to 0 because smoothness and blurriness is
considered to cause loss of information and make the selection
of edges harder. The selection width of 24 pixels (in diameter)
was left unchanged as it was originally selected by the software;
edge con
can be cl
scar and
to make a
7.3 Com
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Figure 10
Wand tool